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You were walking home when you heard a loud explosion nearby. Everyone was screaming and running for their life. 

A little kid tripped while running. You immediately dashed up to her. 

"Daijobu?" you asked in the sweet tone, trying to calm her down. The child nodded. You helped him stand up. 

"Let's get going. Where's your mama?" you asked in concern. 

"I don't know. I didn't see her. I was told to run." the boy explained. You can sense he was very scared. 

You searched your pocket and handed him a piece of candy. The boy hesitated but seeing your warm smile, he felt assured. 

"My name is Y/N. What your name?" you asked him. 

"Dai--Daichi." the boy stated. 

"Alright, Daichi-kun. Y/N-nee-chan will help you find your mom with you," you said. 

"Hontou?" he asked. You nodded. You both stand up and started running. 

Soon you met up with the crowded people where you can see a woman, running around panicking. 

"Dai-chan! Dai-chan!" you heard. 

"Have you seen my son?" she asked other people but they just shook their head. 

"Mama!" Daichi shouted. The woman seems to notice and dashed towards you. 

"Dai-chan!" She hugged him. 

"Mama, this Onee-chan helps me find you." Daichi pointed to you. The woman looked up to you and flashed a grateful smile. 

"Thank you so much! Is there any-?" she asked but you interrupted her. 

"Iie. I'm glad Daichi-kun found you. I've gotta go now, you two stay safe." You stated and smiled at them. The woman nodded while Daichi waved at you. 

"Bye  Bye Y/N-nee-chan!" he shouted with glee. You waved back and smiled. 

You tried to squeeze through the crowded group and get back to your house. But another loud explosion was heard that caused bigger panic. 

"The Lupinranger is defeated!" you heard one yelled. Police siren was heard, dashing towards the scene. The scene was live on the big screen. 

You saw two injured people who were carried up to the ambulance. Of course, you recognized those faces. Umika-chan! Touma-kun!  You shouted in your head. You tried to see if they spotted the third person, Kairi-kun? Where's Kairi? 

You successfully pulled out of the crowded group of people. And decided to call Noel for help. 

"Noel-kun, do you---" no one picked up. You felt your heart beating faster as you tried to push all the negative thoughts out of your head. You dashed to the police station to find Tsukasa, Sakuya, or even Keiichiro. 

Fortunately for you, Sakuya was walking back to the station. 

"Sakuya-san!" You called out. He turned back and saw you running. 

"Y/N-san, what are you doing here?" Sakuya asked. 

"I--I was head--heading out for gr-ocery, then I saw the news and sa-saw Umika-chan and Touma-kun be-ing carr-ied away." You stated, trying to catch your breath. 

"Are they both okay? Can I see them?" You asked desperately. 

Sakuya looked uncertain. "They are unconscious for now, but I'm not sure you are all--" 

"Please." You pleaded him. He saw your face and tears were forming. He sighed and nodded. 

"Follow me," he stated. You nodded gratefully. 

"But wait--" you interrupted him.

"Yes?" he replied. 

"Were Kairi at the scene? Do you--" 

"Sakuya!" Tsukasa called out to him interrupting your question. 

"Y/N? What are you doing here? You're not--" Tsukasa stated. 

"It's okay. She's close with Umika-chan and Touma-kun. As long as she under our watch, she'll be fine, right sempai?" Sakuya explained in the most professional way that caught you and Tsukasa by surprise. 

"I assume it's okay," Tsukasa said. 

"Y/N-san, you were saying--" Sakuya asked, trying to get you to finish your question. But you shook your head.

"Iie. It's nothing," you stated since you know Tsukasa wouldn't allow Sakuya to tell you anything. 

The three of you walked toward the room. You can see through the glass, both Touma and Umika, were lying unconscious. 

"Touma-kun. Umika-chan." You whispered as you leaned in closer to the window. 

"Can I go in there?" you asked. Sakuya was about to agree but Tsukasa was ahead of him. 

"Sorry Y/N. You can't," she stated in a serious tone. 

"But sempai---" Sakuya hinted but he noticed Tsukasa was serious about this so he kept quiet. He knew better than it was his duty and he must stick to it. 

You sighed but nodded. Please get well soon you two. You stated in your head. 

But now you were more worried about Kairi. Where could he be? Kairi, where are you? 

A few moments passed, Sakuya and Tsukasa had to head towards the battlefield. 

"We've gotta go," Tsukasa stated, seeing Sakuya continued staring at Umika's bed. Sakuya reluctantly looked away. 

"Y/N, I'm afraid--" Tsukasa turned to you before she left. Sakuya stopped and looked toward you as well. You could feel their gaze and nod. 

"I'll just stay here for a few more minutes, then I'll go." you asked, "Is that okay?" 

Tsukasa looked hesitated but nodded. 

"Stay safe," she whispered and left. 

"Please take care of Umika-chan tachi, Y/N-san." Sakuya bowed to you and followed Tsukasa. 

"You guys stay safe too. Ganbatte!" you muttered but they already left. Your eyes wandered back to Umika and Touma. The nurses were monitoring them so you can't sneak in even if you want to. 

You sighed one last time. Your hand touching the window and finally decided to leave. You were walking near the hallway you heard some policemen talking. Looking by the way they dressed, you could assume they are from a higher rank. 

"What do you think of the plan?" one man asked. 

"It's a bit risky. Besides, we don't even know where she lives." the other one stated. 

"Geez, we can use the civilian tracking system. Once we get to her, we can use her as a bait to lure those damn kaitous out. Think of how we going get praised for capturing those wanted kaitous. We might even get a big promotion" he stated.

"Hmmm...sound like we will get our act together after those Ganglers are defeated."

With that, they left. You were panicking, you wondered what they mean. Did they mean they'll capture me? So my prediction was right...I have to leave soon then. 

You peeked to see if anyone else was there. Once the coast was clear, you quickly run back to your house. 

Unnoticed to you, a shadow steps out. He eyed on you carefully before pulling out his phone to make a call. 

A shorter chapter. Cause I'm kinda planning something for the last 4 chapters, so I must make sure that I have enough scenes to use. Hope you guys don't mind. <3 

Til' next time, 

Adieu ~~~

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