Chapter Two: First Shoot, Part Two

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I returned to my cabin and dug through my luggage, looking for the loungewear I packed. Although it felt like a bit of a risk following his instructions to dress "cozy" to a T, I felt that I could trust him.

As soon as I changed into my sun-washed shorts and tee, I swept my hair up into a messy bun and slipped on tennis shoes before heading out back to Chris's cabin.

He opened the door after the first knock.

"Hey, come on in," he greeted me warmly.

I stepped in, slipping my hands awkwardly into my pockets. "So what happens now?" I nervously looked around the cabin, unsure what to expect.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, not looking at me as he dug a beer out of the fridge. I noticed a takeout bag on the counter of the cabin's kitchen.

"Uh, actually - yeah..." I felt my stomach groan internally for the food.

"Do you want a drink too?" Chris offered, holding a beer bottle out to me.

I hesitated. Being fairly new to model life, I knew I'd have to likely change my whole lifestyle - diet, exercise, the whole nine yards.

"Oh crap, I forgot, are you old enough?" He shook his head and set the bottle back in the fridge.

He must have mistaken my hesitation for being underage.

"Yes, I'm almost 22, thank you very much. I just don't know if I can drink on the job..." I laughed and fessed up, crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm also fairly certain there isn't a salad in there."

He turned to me and popped the cap of his beer, looking at me with a daring glint in his eyes. "The answer to both of those questions is yes."

He took a swig of his beer and opened the bag, taking out the food. I could feel myself salivating already. I didn't remember the last time I ate anything that day.

"So here's the deal - I got hot wings and french fries," he confessed like it was no big deal. "Should you eat them? If you asked your manager, she'd say no. But if you ask me, I say dig in!" He flashed a heartwarming grin at me as he opened the containers and pulled a few plates out of the kitchen cabinets.

"I'm scared you're trying to sabotage my career before it even begins..." I tried to reel in the flirtation in my voice. Getting too chummy with the photographer and eating fast food would likely give Julia more than enough ammo to drop me, if the rest of the shoot continued on this downward trajectory.

"If anything, quite the opposite. Modeling doesn't last forever. Once you're done, it's important for you to have enjoyed it and bring that sense of adventure elsewhere in your life." He continued to work on setting up the food as he spoke to me, but despite the lack of eye contact, I could feel that message coming straight at my soul.

I thought over his words briefly and held up my hands in defeat. "What the hell? Beer me and you'll regret offering me those wings."

- - -

"You're kidding me?!" Chris held in a snort.

"No, I'm not! And that is the very awkward story of how I woke up with an inflatable flamingo..."

Chris and I had finished eating and were on beer number three. And conversation topic number five.

Something about him just flowed so easily. We talked about how his photography career started and what "dumb struck of luck" accelerated his career. How he first adjusted to living in New York.

Meanwhile I told him about my accidental foray into modeling. And trying and struggling to find my calling in life.

I admired his passion, as well as his wisdom. Although he was only three years older than me, I felt he had lived a lifetime compared to me.

"Wow, where did you come from?"

I blushed at his words. "What do you mean?" I unraveled the ponytail holding up my bun and let my hair fall around my shoulders.

He leaned his elbow over the back of the couch, studying me. We still had one couch cushion of space between us.

"Most new models are not...this real," he mused in wonder.

"Thanks?" I chuckled, then took a sip of my beer. Although we had this distance, I was drawn to him. I clutched the couch cushion with my other hand to urge myself not to physically drift towards him. "Who knows, maybe I'm not cut out for this?"

He shook his head immediately. "No, you are. You have this wild beauty about you. Your energy and poses are authentic. When I take pictures of you... it's almost like working with a piece of clay that moves with me."

I paused before drinking the last swig of my beer. "I'm like live clay..? Ok now you must be drunk."

We both broke out laughing and I got up to get a bottle of water.

Only Chris got up with me.

"I know, I'm not the most articulate," he admitted. He didn't move to follow me, but he stood near the couch. "So I know you were struggling earlier. And now that we know each other better, what do you think about trying those poses again? Clothes on, of course."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and suddenly looked shy as he waited for my response.

I retrieved a water bottle from the fridge and opened it immediately to take a long gulp of water. Both to calm my literal and sexual thirst. Oh and to try to stave off a hangover too.

After a good, long drink, I sighed and walked back to him. I knew he was right. It'd be better to try these poses and get some practice in before a whole crew was involved to heighten my anxiety.

"Yeah, let's do it," I agreed, leaning towards him. I'd probably need to drink more water in between shots.

He gestured for me to lead the way. "After you."

I stepped into the cabin's bedroom, realizing I never really paid attention to the aesthetic or atmosphere the first time I was there. Warm lamplight spread across the wooden room, mingling with rustic furniture and decor for a perfectly cozy aesthetic.

"So how are we going to do this?" I asked as I lingered near the bed.

He grabbed his camera off of the nightstand. "I'll leave the cover on - just do whatever feels comfortable and we'll tweak it as needed."

I climbed onto the bed nervously, trying not to look at him as I maneuvered myself into a pose. I sat up, loosely crossing my legs over each other and running my fingers through my hair to loosen the waves from my earlier bun.

"Hmm..." Chris breathed out in thought, studying the pose. He stepped over to me, gently tilting my head with his fingers. Then he carefully adjusted my back and legs. I felt shivers race across my skin at his touch.

Finally, he stepped back and I glanced up to see him proud of his work. "Now THIS would make one hell of a shot... Do you mind?"

He looked down sheepishly at his camera. I know he promised me to leave the cover on, but I couldn't help when I saw his enthusiasm at the perfect shot lining up.

"Go ahead. It's the least I can do to repay you for dinner and helping me out."

He smiled and removed the lens cover, then snapped a few photos from varying angles. "Ok, let's try another one?"

I nodded and moved onto my stomach, with my knees bent and feet in the air.

Again, he moved in to make slight adjustments, this time starting at the rest of my body before coming up to my face. He knelt down next to me on the floor, carefully tilting my chin up to him.

At that moment, I lost all control.

Grabbing for his camera strap, I pulled him in to kiss me.

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