Chapter Ten: Second Date, Part One

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"So let me get this straight..." Cora eyed me skeptically while spotting me at the squat rack. "You go to this fancy art show. He shows you this sneaky, but kind of cute and romantic "morning after" picture he took of you all those years ago... And then, you spend a romantic evening talking and drinking on the roof, watching the skyline?"

I finished my reps and gently set the bar back with a light clank on the rack.

"So...where is the part where you kissed?"

I stepped away from the weight rack and wiped off my forehead with a towel. "It didn't happen... Though I really wanted it to."

Cora frowned, then took her spot at the weight rack. "What's this guy's problem?"

I shrugged. I know she was disappointed. I felt a twinge of that too.

But I also felt a different part of me was completely satisfied. I was getting to know the real Chris.

The one I could joke with.

The one who understood my real dreams and passion in life.

"Maybe he wants to take it slow? We're kind of doing this in reverse," I rationalized quietly.

"Is that what you want?" She asked pointedly, in between a rep.

I bit my lip, torn.

"Honestly, if he's going to kiss me, I want him to mean it."

Cora exhaled deeply and nodded. "That's a good call, girl."

I watched her finish out her reps, then we moved to the mats to hold planks.

"So when's date #2?"

"Next Saturday. And I have no earthly idea what we're doing this time..."

- - -

I adjusted the tie on my blue and white checkered high waisted paperbag shorts and ensured my white tank top was tucked in neatly, before giving myself one last look over in the mirror.

Our next date location appeared to be about a five minute walk from my apartment, so I set out on foot to enjoy the summer sunset on my way over.

Once I reached the location the GPS indicated, I glanced around me in confusion.

Could he have sent me the wrong address? All that was here was an alleyway.

"I should just go home..." I muttered to myself, ready to turn around.

"Hey, looks like you found it!"

I twirled around to see Chris walking toward me, a sly grin on his lips. I couldn't help but notice he had recently shaved and that significant scruff he had grown was now gone. He continued to roll up the sleeves to his navy and blue checkered shirt as he walked toward me. 

He stopped just out of arm's reach and beckoned to the alleyway. "After you."

I scoffed and eyed the narrow alleyway suspiciously. "And where is "this"?"

He feigned hurt and patted a hand to his chest. "That would ruin the surprise - and since I'm the one taking you on dates, that's for me to know and you to find out."

A daring glint shined in his eyes. I couldn't help but begrudgingly surrender.

"Well this better be good..."

I turned to follow him through the alleyway. Half way into the alleyway, he turned to open a green door.

It led to a small room with stereotypical British decor - Beatles memorabilia, Union Jack flags, and another door that resembled a red phone booth.

A young woman sat next to a vintage desk with a black rotary phone. "Hi, there. Do you have the password?"


Where the heck were we going?

"Yeah." Chris leaned over and whispered into her ear, covering his lips from my view with his hand.

She thought over his words, then leaned back and shook her head. "I'm sorry - that must be an old password."

"Smooth..." I teased him with a raised eyebrow.

He shrugged nonchalantly, not seeming too worried about his denied password.

"However, to gain entry, you can complete a mission together instead," the attendant offered.

A mission? What kind of establishment was this?

Her rotary phone rang promptly and she answered, nodding as she listened. As soon as she hung up, she beckoned us over.

"What is this?" I whispered hastily over to Chris.

"You really have no patience, huh?" He whispered back with a laugh.

The attendant turned to face us for further instruction. "So the spymaster has requested you two complete a tango dance until the music stops."

"Say what?" I stared at Chris with my mouth open.

Smooth Latin music started to blare out of the speakers hiding in the small room.

"Guess it's time to dance." He set both hands lightly on my hips drawing me closer.

Neither of us were probably very good dancers. I averted my gaze self-consciously.

But we started to sway to the music, albeit awkwardly at first. I felt my pulse crescendo in response to the sultry beat around me and feeling his hands start to linger and travel on me. First down the curves of my hips to my ass... then back up, tracing along the outside of my breasts and up to my arms.

He took his hands off of me for a moment and I felt my breath catch.

I looked up to see him offer his hand to me. I accepted it tentatively with my right hand and I gasped as he dipped me.

His ginger curls drifted softly over his face, gravity drawing him closer to me. I studied his ocean blue eyes in anticipation, wondering what it would be like to feel his lips again.

Would that kiss be as good as I faintly remembered it? Would it be soft and delicate? Or hard and hungry?

"Congratulations, you have completed your mission. You are allowed entry." The music cut and the attendant pressed another button on the phone to open the phone booth door.

Chris pulled me up out of the dip and nodded curtly to the attendant. "Thank you."

He tugged on my hand gently to follow him. "Welcome to The Spyglass." He brushed a lock of my hair back away from my ear and I felt his breath race across my neck.

I nodded, following him through the door.

I was plunged into a buzzing bar full of spy memorabilia and eager patrons. I spied televisions mounted in the corner, our intimate tango on replay for everyone to see.

"How long will that stay up?" I asked as I pointed at the screen.

"Probably until the next person comes in who doesn't know the password." He shrugged and reached for my hand.

I struggled to keep an even expression. With each touch, I was becoming more and more aware of the longing I had for him.

And how unfulfilled I was.

"What can I get you from the bar? My treat, since you were such a good sport." He tugged me closer to him and led me through the crowd.

We stopped in front of a bar, the bartender busy at work while a magician mesmerized both drunk or easily amused customers.

"Gin and tonic, please"

"Alright. Your wish is my command."

I smiled weakly, watching him flag down the bartender.

I had other wishes for that evening. And I sincerely hoped they would come true.

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