Chapter Twelve: Third Date, Part One

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I closed my apartment door and leaned back against it as I closed my eyes.

I couldn't deny that I had fun. Between the dancing and talking, I felt that I knew who he really was and where he stood now.

But it was also the second date that I was questioning why he refused to acknowledge the chemistry between us.

Like the gentleman he was, Chris walked me back to my apartment and gave me a quick hug, before taking off to his place.

I longed for his touch again. I wanted to feel his hands explore me and his tongue leave a trail of goosebumps over his skin.

Whatever the female equivalent of blue balls was, I definitely had it now.

I sighed and trudged over to my bedroom, ready to call it a night and get to work on satisfying the unspoken needs I had for him.

- - -

The next morning, I was enjoying a leisurely breakfast when Julia called.

"I have the shoot details!" She chimed into my ear in a sing-song voice.

I sipped more coffee to force myself to wake up. "Oh yeah?" I was dying to know what I would be modeling, but I tried to keep my voice level.

"So it'll be on Friday, two weeks from now. Mr. Decker has a studio next to his loft and said you can meet him there at 8 AM."

Just me?

"Oh, will you be there?" I asked to clarify.

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it - I'll be on vacation. But I can see if Melissa can accompany you?"

"Oh, no you don't have to. It'll be fine," I hastily refused.

I hope.

"Anything else I need to know?"

"I'll send you the address, but that's all I have for now. I asked him about which piece you'd be modeling..."

I sat up with interest.

"And he said he's having all the models come in without knowing it, so the reaction is authentic."

Damn it. Well, she tried?

"Thanks, Julia. I really appreciate it." I sincerely hoped I was hiding the disappointment in my voice.

"Anytime! Well I've got to go - enjoy the rest of your weekend!"

I hung up and set my chin in my hands. What other mysteries did Chris have waiting for me now?

Just as I finished the thought, my phone chimed with a text. Speak of the devil.

Chris: [I gave your manager the details. And we have one week left to squeeze in that last date.]

I rubbed my temple, not sure if my developing headache was from a lack of caffeine or my waning patience with him.

Alexis: [I suppose we do.]

Chris: [Dress for the outdoors next Friday. And wear comfy shoes - no heels allowed ;) ]

I sighed and stared at his text.

I had a week to get myself and my urges under control so I wouldn't jump him in the wilderness.

- - -

Chris pulled up to my apartment entrance again, this time in the late afternoon.

I stepped out to his car, dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and tennis shoes. I had a light sweatshirt tied around my waist, just in case it got cold.

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