Chapter Thirteen: Third Date, Part Two

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Half an hour later, Chris's car was towed to a nearby repair shop and we were dropped off at a nearby bed and breakfast.

Of course, there was only one room left for the night.

It was just one night. And one more photo shoot. Then everything would be said and done. We could move on.

I wrapped my arms around myself defensively and followed Chris to the room. I waited at a distance as he unlocked the door.

I followed him in to take in the surroundings. Two plush armchairs separated by an end table faced the window overlooking the river valley. A small hearth was tucked in the corner, giving the room a rustic feel. The bed's frame had four ornate posts that I couldn't help but want to run my hand over to see if they felt as smooth as they looked.

"You can have the bed." He offered as he walked over to slump into one of the armchairs.

"Oh, thanks." I sat on the bed, studying the view over the top of his head.

If we weren't in such a poor mood right now, it'd almost be romantic.

A brief moment of stillness passed between us before Chris ran his hand through his ginger curls and stood up. A glint of desperation shined in his eyes as they settled on me.

"Tell me. What's wrong?"

I looked away, feeling my cheeks grow hot again at the thought of my anger from earlier.

"Tell me." He repeated, his voice almost a growl this time. There was a rawness in his demand that forced me to catch my breath.

"I don't know what I expected," I started, staring at my hands.

I found myself thinking back to that night five years ago when he first broke my heart. The shock, sadness, and anger washed over me, mingling with the festering frustration and disappointment.

"I can't take anymore of feeling like you pull and push me away."

His eyes widened briefly and he turned to pace in front of the window.

"I "pull and push you away"? What do you mean?"

I sighed, shaking my head. How much more of this could we do? Going around in circles, misunderstanding and mistiming our efforts with each other...

I stood up, taking a few steps back towards the door.

A part of me wanted to run away, leaving before any more damage could be done. Hadn't I had enough?

"All of these quick hugs and avoiding my touch one minute, but having a sensual tango with me the next." I tried to stand firm, despite the words tumbling furiously out of me. "There are too many mixed signals and I can't keep up."

"Damn it, Alexis..." He paused and looked at me straight on. "I wanted to do things right this time."

I arched an eyebrow at him, but still stepped back cautiously until my back was against the door. "What do you mean?"

Why was I still hearing him out? Every piece of logic within told me it was time to go.

But I felt the deep tempo of my heartbeat against my ribcage, protesting against any further movement.

"I haven't had anything close to what I felt with you since that night." He strode up in front of me and placed a hand just over my shoulder, his palm on the smooth wood of the door behind me. I was blocked in.

"Emotionally. Or physically." I could feel him breathe the words into me. I felt my breath catch in my throat when I locked eyes with him.

"So I'll ask you one more time - tell me what's wrong." His tone was forceful, but pleading.

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