c h a p t e r 6- Gucci's the new Walmart?

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Sitting in my room, I waited. The reason I was just sitting here like an idiot was because when Wyatt told me I was going shopping today, he didn't tell me a time and I, being stupid, didn't ask. I also didn't want to leave my room- I was still embarrassed about the whole dishwasher scenario earlier- and although I did want to sleep, I didn't want to be woken up again. Hence, why I was sitting here, in complete boredom, waiting for one of my brothers to knock on my door.

Finally, after 30 more minutes, Jordan peeked his head round the door.

'We're going, Al.' Frowning a bit at the nickname, I huffed before following Jordan down to their garage. Their garage, it turned out, was a whole other floor, full to the brim with expensive cars- Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mercedes they had it. Jordan brought me over to where Dylan, Aaron and Jared stood next to a massive Range Rover- seeing us approaching, they got in. I gulped when I saw the height of the car. The step itself started at the knee and the wheels came up to my waist. Just get in Alyssa I said to myself. Putting my right foot on the step, I tried to get it. I failed. Gritting my teeth, I tried again. Only to fall on my butt. Who the fuck did they make this for? Giants?

Hearing some laughter from inside the car and then a deep sigh, I was about to make my third attempt when two massive hands reached around my waist and lifted me in. Face bright red for the second time today, I mumbled a small thanks to whoever had lifted me before looking up. It was Dylan. Again. Ugh, why does he have to catch me in such embarrassing situations. This time, however, he let out a small chuckle as well as smirking at me. I just looked out the window angrily, making all of them laugh harder.

'Whatever,' I huffed. Jordan reached over ruffling my hair and I let out a 'Hey! Not the hair, Jordan. Never the hair.'

The rest of the car journey continued in such a way- my brothers annoying me, me sassing them back and by the time we reached the mall, we were all smiling.

Getting out the car- or should I say being lifted out of the car- we walked into the mall. My eyes widened a bit at the size of it. All of my life, I had mostly just stuck to Target and Walmart and I had never been in a mall of this size.

'Okay guys,' Aaron said to us, clapping his hands together, 'Me and Jared will go get stationery and all the school stuff and Alyssa, Jordan and Dylan can go shopping for clothes and anything else. We'll meet at the food hall for 1, okay?' We all nodded and departed our separate ways.

Jordan spoke first, 'Okay, Al, where'd you wanna go first? Hollister? Urban Outfitters? We can hit up Gucci and LV later yeah?' I just blinked at him. I honestly had no clue what he was on about. I mean, I had heard of Hollister and stuff from when the popular girls at my old school would talk about their 'fab' shopping trips but Gucci? Like seriously? I thought that was for celebrities and stuff. I just shrugged and Jordan must have understood because he grasped my shoulders and pushed me in front of me while Dylan trailed behind.

It went on like this for hours- Jordan pushing me to shops he thought girls shopped at (upon asking how he knew this information he just smirked and said 'Its where girls hang out the most, hence where I get their numbers the most') him then picking up everything I showed an interest in, leading me to complain about the amount of money we were spending and then Dylan telling me to shut up- the only input he put in this whole time.

By lunchtime, I was exhausted and found myself slowly distancing away from Dylan and Jordan as they neared the lunch hall, simply unable to keep up with their massive strides. It was then that they disappeared completely from my sight and I started to panic slightly. I hated big crowds and I was currently stuck in a massive one, alone. Stumbling to the side, I leaned on a railing for a moment. It was just about to get up to go look for my brothers when I felt a hand grope my butt. Scared, I turned around to find a middle-aged man leering down at me.

'You lost, sweetheart?' He asked me snidely, all while looking down at me with a predatory look in his eyes.

'N-no,' I stuttered, 'My brothers are coming to get me,'

'Is that right?' He sneered slightly, while leaning in closer, putting both hands either side of the railing, trapping me. Panic seized me, my breathing becoming more frantic and just as I was about to scream, the man was suddenly ripped of off me. There, with clenched hands and a look of fury deep in his eyes, stood Jared.

'And what the fuck do you think you're doing with my sister, you bastard,'

The man chuckled lightly, before replying, 'Just a bit of fun, right darling?'

All it took was the man to look at me before Jared punched him directly in the face, that one hit making the man fall to the floor, unconscious. Jared turned to him, his eyes still a dark grey and fists clenched in anger before they softened slightly as he took in my scared position against the glass railing. He held out his hand and I took it hesitantly before glancing back at the man. Jared took my head in his hands, 'No. Don't look at him.' He said, anger in his tone. I just nodded and gripped his hand a bit tighter as we made our way towards the others.

They took one look at our joined hands before they all collectively asked 'What happened?'

I looked at the ground, I really didn't want to have to explain. Jared shook his head.

'I'll explain when we get back.'

Nobody argued, we just started to walk back. The usual smirk that was constantly present on Dylan was replaced with a cold blank stare and even Jordan, who I had never seen anything but happy, had a small frown on his face. Aaron just looked slightly confused, his stance stiff and tense as we continued down to the car.

The car journey was the same; no-one spoke and I didn't look up once, instead resorting to twisting my fingers together until they got red- Dylan saw this and immediately placed my hands apart, entwining one of mine with his. We pulled up at the mansion and at this point, I was a wreck. A cold feeling of dread was filling my body and I kept fidgeting- somewhere in the back of my mind was a exasperated voice telling me to stop and that nothing was going to happen but the larger part of me was terrified- I had caused trouble and now I was going to pay. I'm pretty sure my mum's anger would be nothing compared to Wyatt's- I was already terrified of him when he was in a nice mood.

But then again, I couldn't help wonder if maybe they would be angrier for me than at me. But no, when has anyone ever cared for me?

As soon as we pulled up, the boys were out of the car. Leaving me, shitting myself and wondering what was going to happen next.

Heya! I hope you're enjoying the story so far :) The other characters will come into the story in about 2 or so chapters. Anways, remember to vote (only if you want to) and comment if you want any other POVs- I might start next chapters with one of the brothers but I'm not sure. Again, thank you for reading! 

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