Maybe it's dixie?

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Dixie POV

The door opens and Addison and I try and let go of each other but our limbs get tangled. There stood Ava with her siblings behind her.
"Mommy we're bored!" I laugh softly and let go of Addison. I already missed her touch.
"We're you guys hugging?" Logan asks looking between us and I smile at him.
"Yeah buddy you're mom just needed a hug" I say and Logan smiles.

"Oh okay" he says and I sigh in relief.
"Mommy I'm tired" I look at Juliet who was busy climbing the bed to get to Addison.
"You're already tired?" Addison asks and I look at Addison. She looks at me and I give her a side smile.
"Yeah" Juliet says.
"Lays go do something guys" I say and the kids rush out as I follow them. Addison trailed behind me with a sleeping Juliet in her arms.

* * *

I played with the kids for the whole day, cared for them with the help of Addison but she went into her office to do some work. The kids and I watched Trolls before I made sure they were all clean before bed.
"You're mommy will come check on you guys a little later okay?" Juliet and Ava both nod their heads. I kissed their foreheads and went out the room turning off the light and closing the door.

I head to Logan's room and look inside the room. Logan was sleeping and he looked so cute. I walk over to him and make sure he was tucked in. I kiss his forehead and then head out the room. I close the door and sigh. I head down the hall way and slowly walk down the stairs. I stretch and walk down the hall. I open the office door and I see Addisons back to me. She was busy working on some paperwork and I smirk and I slowly walk over to her.

I decided to be bold and I lean over her chair and she jumps a little.
"Hi" I whisper into her ear and she smirks.
"Hey" she says and takes off her glasses. I kiss her neck and she sucks in a breath. She tilts her head to the side as I trail hot kisses on her neck.
"Hmmm that's feel nice" she says and I suck on her neck and she moans. Butterflies fill my stomach, damn that was hot.

"Dixie" she says and turns around and stands up which disconnects my lips from her neck. She grabs my face and kisses me long and hard. I gently push her back and she sits on her desk. I stand between her legs and trail my hand up and down her thigh. She holds my wrist as I travel my hand up her thigh. She gasps and I slip my tongue into her mouth.

I moan as our tongues massage each other. Her phone goes off and we both groan and break the kiss. She turns her head and grabs her phone. I continue kissing her neck. She answers her phone
"Hello Mr.Davison" she says and I knew it was my principal. She smiles up at me and I kiss her jaw. She giggles and then bites her bottom lip trying to keep quiet.
"Yes sir" she says then her face drops.

I stop kissing her and search her face.
"I understand sir I'll talk to the student" she says.
"Okay sir goodbye" she ends the call and puts her phone on the desk. She takes my face in her hands and kisses me. I pull apart from her and lean my forehead against hers.
"What happened?" I say and Addison sighs.
"Theirs a rumor going around that I guy named Tomas is young to cheat on the English test on Friday" my eyes go wide. Tomas is known to cheat and nearly all the time gets away with it.

"Oh yeah I know about him" I say and she wraps her arms around my neck.
"Were you going to tell me about him?" I smile at her.
"I didn't think it was important and it's not like I knew that he would be cheating on the test on Friday" she laughs and I wrap my arms around her waist.
"Have you started studying for the test" I press my lips together and she puts on her strict teacher face.

"Dixie D'Amelio why have you not started studying for my test?" I give her my best smile.
"I was actually going to win it?" I say and she shakes her head.
"You will not win my test, you better study for my test or you don't get any kisses" I pout.
"Awww okay fine I'll study" she smiles.
"You better not fail" she says and I laugh. I lean in and peck her lips.

"So about our you want to go out on Saturday?" I say and she nods her head.
"Yeah that would be great, I'll have to get a another babysitter for the kids" I laugh.
"So where are you taking me?" She said and I smirk.
"That's a secret" I say and she pouts at me which was so adorable.
"Okay fine...can we go to bed I'm tired" she says and I smile and nod my head.

"Okay let's go to bed" I say and kiss her again before letting go of her and taking her hand.

* * *

I walk into school and smile big. Addison and I drove together today which made me happy. From next week Thursday I can't do this with Addison because my parents are coming home on Thursday. I see Anna by our lockers again and I rush over to her. She sees me and attacks me in a bear hug like always.
"Hey Anna" I say and she smiles at me.

She smirks at me and I smile at her.
"Why are you so happy?" She says and I blush.
"I sort of scored a date with Addison" she frowns for a second before her face lights up.
"Oh Ms.Easterling oh my word!" She says and starts squealing before hugging me again.
"Tell me everything!" She says and I laugh.

* * *

Addison POV

It was Thursday night and Dixie went home to check on her house and make sure everything was okay. I already missed her being here and I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we won't always be able to do this. I couldn't wait for our date on Saturday it made me feel like I was a teenager.

I smile big and take a sip of my wine. I had already put the kids to bed so I was by the dinning room table, alone. I would of much preferred if Dixie was with me, cuddling with me. The thought made me sigh and take a bigger sip of my wine.

There was a knock on the front door and I get up. Maybe it's dixie?

I walk over to the door and open it and there stood the person I honestly didn't want to see.
"Bryce" I say confused and he smirks at me.
"Hey baby" he says moving towards me and kissing me.

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