Griffin kissed me

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Dixie POV

I look between my parents.
"Dixie?" My mom asks and my heart starts racing.
"Uhm I-I" I start to stutter.
"I like girls" I blurt out like an idiot. I close my eyes and there was just silence.
"Oh dammit I forgot to act surprised try again" my mom says and I open my eyes and look at her. She smiled at me and my dad smiled too.
"Huh?" I say and my mom uncrosses her arms.

"Try again" I frown.
"I like girls" I say confused.
"Oh wow I had no I already knew that" I take a seat in one the single chairs.
"What how?" I say and my mom smiles.
"Honey I haven't seen you have any interest in guys and the fact that you check out girls asses when we go shopping kinda gives it away" my face goes red.
"So you're not disappointed in me?" My parents shake there head.

"We would never be disappointed in you Dixie, we are proud of you" my dad says and I smile.
"Thank you" I say and everyone smiles. I look over at Charli who was smiling too.
"Now let me guess you were at your girlfriends house?" My face goes a deep shade of red.
"Maybe" I say and my mom laughs.
"Well that's fine as long as we get to meet her soon" well that's going to be difficult.

"Yeah sure soon" I say and my parents smile at each other.
"Okay great now let's eat" they both get up and head to the dinning room. I get up and fall into step with Charli.
"Dude what the hell are you going to do, how are you going to tell them that you are dating a teacher?" Charli whispers to me.
"I have no idea they will probably freak out" I whisper back.

"Better think of something" she says and I nod my head.

* * *

"ok girls today is more like a practice run before we compete in the biggest game of your girls careers. Colleges will be watching us in the big game and if you want a scholarship you better start working for it right now" all of us look at each other and smile.
"And since it's Dixies birthday tomorrow let's make this game count" my smile grows. I can't believe my birthday is tomorrow damn the time just flew.

"Are you guys ready!" Couch shouts.
"Yes!" We all shout.
"Then get out there and make me proud girls!" We all fist pump each other before putting on our helmets and I swing my bat in my hand. We all run onto the field as our school cheers for us. I see my parents, sister, Avani and Anna. I wave at them and they wave back.

I look across the field and my eyes land on the most sexiest person in the world. Addison.

She was wearing a softball cap and her hair was in a low bun. She was wearing sunglasses and a crop top shirt that showed off her toned stomach and she was wearing jeans. She looked so good. She turned her head and looked at me. I smile at her and she smiles back.

I take my position on the field and put my bat up ready for some action. The game was going okay so far we were tied between our enemy and this was our last chance to win this game. The other team was really good and didn't even hesitate to make it hard for us.

Come on Dixie!

The other teams pitcher gets ready and I breath in and out. She throws it and I just miss it by 5 cm. The pitcher smiles and I breath in and out again. She throws the second ball and this time when I swing my bat I hit the ball and it goes flying. It was a home run. I toss my bat on the ground and start running. I run all around until I see the last one and I slide against the ground and touch it with my foot.

It was silent for a split second before everyone cheers. Our team had won.

"DIXIE!!!" Megan one of team shouts. She helps me up and attacks with a hug. The rest of my team comes running to me and hugs me as well.
"We did it!" I shout and everyone was smiling so big. I was so dusty from sliding across the ground as our team walks off.
"After party at my place ladies!" One of the football guy says. All of us look at each other before nearly all of the girls agree.

"You coming to the party right Dixie?" Megan says throwing her arm around my shoulder. She was much taller then me. She was the type of girl that everyone liked and I understand why. She always had a smile on her face which just made you feel happy.
"Yeah I guess" Megan smile grows.
"That's our girl!" She says and I grab my softball bag. I'll change at home I'm probably going to need a shower.

I head to the parking lot and see my parents, sister and Avani. I jog over to them.
"There's our winner!" My dad says and hugs me. My mom hugs me next.
"You did so good honey!" My mom says and I smile. My sister hugs me next and then Avani.
"Hey mom is it cool if I go to a celebration party tonight?" I say to my parents and they nod there  heads.

"Sure honey"

* * *

Addison POV

I sip on some wine as I finish off some work. The words on the paper just became a blur. I was tired but I need to finish this so that I don't have to stress over the weekend. There was a knock on my door and I frown. It's 1 am in the morning and I swear if it's Bryce I'm going to lose it.

I get up and walk out my office and head to the door. I open it and there was a very drunk Dixie standing at my door.
"Dixie?" I say and she looks at me and smiles big.
"ITS MY BIRTHDAY!" She shout and I laugh.
"Dixie shh or you will wake the kids" I say and she giggles.
"Sorry" she says.
"What are you doing here?" I say smiling at her.

"I want see you" that sentence didn't even make sense. She hiccups and wraps her arms around my waist. She leans her forehead against mine and I put my hands on her shoulders.
"Hi baby" she said and I laughed.
"You're so drunk right now" I say and Dixie shakes her head.
"I only *hiccup* had one drink" I smile.

"More like 7 drinks" I say and she giggles.
"It's my birthday" she repeats and I smile.
"I know Dix, happy birthday" I say and she smiles.
"You should get a dog" she says randomly and I laugh.
"Why don't you come on in and I'll take you to bed" I say moving away from her just to be grabbed again and pulled back into her.

"No I'm not tired" she said and I shake my head.
"If you don't go to sleep you don't get any kisses" she lets go of me and quickly walks inside and closes the door. She nearly falls over until I grab her.
"LETS GO TO BED!" She shouts and I shhh her.
"Dixie the kids!" I say and Dixie giggles again.
"Whoops I forgot" I shake my head smiling.

I help her up the stairs which was extremely difficult since Dixie was half asleep and half awake. We eventually get to my room and I close the door.
"I feel sick" she says her face going pale.
"Oh hell no" I say and quickly get her into the bathroom. She falls to the ground and throws up in the toilet. I hold her hair back and rub her back up and down.

After all that I gave Dixie a toothbrush and she brushed her teeth. She was starting to get sober but very slowly. I quickly brush my teeth too and then walk into my bedroom and take off my slippers. Dixie walks out the bathroom and starts taking off her top. My face goes red.
"Babe what are you doing?" I say and Dixie removes her pants too.
"It's to hot and I don't feel well" she says and gets into bed with me.

She wraps her arms around my body and buries her head into my chest. I run my hands through her hair. We were quiet for a long moment and I thought Dixie had fallen asleep but I was wrong.
"Please don't be mad with me" Dixie says her voice thick with tears. She lets out a small sob which makes me worry.
"Baby what's wrong?" I say and she lifts her head. Tears were streaming down her face. I try my best to wipe them away.

"Griffin kissed me" she said and I look into her eyes.
"But I pushed him away" she said and I move a piece of hair that fell into her face.
"Then why would I be mad?" I say and Dixie sniffs.
"I just know how Bryce hurt you and I don't want to do the same I want to be better then him" I smile softly at her.
"Dixie you already way better than him" I say and lean forehead to kiss her forehead.

"I'm sorry Addy" she says putting her head on my chest again and gripping my shirt tightly.
"I forgive you Dixie" I say and Dixie sighs.
"I love you" she says which makes my heart stop.

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