I love you

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Addison POV

Dixie tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. We both never break eye contact, our legs were wrapped together and the sheet was covering our still naked bodies.
"You're so beautiful Addison" Dixie says looking at me with awe that made my heart leap. I move my head so that I was closer to Dixies face.
"You're the beautiful one in this relationship" Dixie shakes her head and smiles. She rubs her nose against mine and I close my eyes.

"Oh wait" I say opening my eyes and moving away from Dixie. She groans and I smile. I open my drawer next to me and grab Dixies actually birthday present before coming back next to her.
"Here" I say holding out the small box. She looks at me and then back down at the box and she smiles.
"What's this?" She says taking the small box.
"Your birthday present" Dixie slowly opens the box and her smile grows.

"Addison it's beautiful" she says taking out the necklace that said Dixie. She puts it back in the box and puts the box down before kissing me. I put my one hand on her face and deepen the kiss. We slowly pull apart and I lean my forehead against hers.
"I love you" I say and Dixies eyes go wide. I search her eyes to see if she felt the same way and when she smiled warmly at me I knew she did.
"I love you too Addy" my heart was going a hundred miles an hour and I kissed her hard.

"Want to again babygorl?" She said as we pulled apart and I stayed laughing uncontrollably.
"Babygorl?" I say and Dixie starts laughing with me.
"Did I ruin the moment?" I smile at her and shake my head.
"No you made it better, now come here" I say and she grins like a little child and moves so that she was on top of me. We both giggle and she starts kissing me again.

* * *

Dixie POV

I head home smiling my head off as I open my front door. I walked inside and put my keys down on the table by the tv.
"I'm home!" I shout and walk into the kitchen to see my mom busy making some lunch.
"Hey mum" I say and lean against the counter.
"Hello honey" my mom says looking at me.
"Have fun?" I smile and nod my head.
"Yes" I say taking a blueberry and plopping it into my mouth.

"Dixie you know dating a teacher can lead you down a bad path" my heart stops and I slowly look at her.
"How did you find out?" I say and my mom looks at me.
"Honey I'm not dumb I saw on the newsletter that there was a new teacher named Addison Easterling. When I meet Addison at the door I pieced it together" I look down and play with my fingers.
"Are you disappointed with me?" I say.
"Of course not Dixie I know you're just following your heart. I just want you to be careful because if you get caught Addison will get fired and you could get expelled" I nod my head.

"Please honey just try your best to not get caught you only have a few months of highschool and then your done" I look up and give my mom a small smile.
"We'll try our best" my mom smiles and starts chopping some carrots.
"Thank you" I say and my mom looks at me.
"You welcome honey...Addisons very pretty by the way" I laugh and nod my head.
"She's beautiful" I say smiling like an idiot.
"Do you love her?" I look at my mom.

"Yes" my mom smiles and nods her head.
"Then I won't stand in the way of your happiness now come and help me" I nod my head the smile never leaving my face.

* * *

I kiss Addison harder slipping my tongue between her lips as our tongues fight for dominance and I win of course. I smile into the kiss before kissing Addison cheek and then kissing her neck.
"Are you ready for the big game next week?" She says and I lift my head and peck her lips.
"Ready then ever" I say and she smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. We were in the girls locker room all the way at the back. It was the end of the day already so I knew that no one would come in here.

"I can't believe there's only two weeks until graduation" I say and Addison smiles.
"And then your off to college" she says and Addisons smile fades.
"I'm going to miss you so much" she says and I hold her tighter to me.
"I promise every chance I get I'll come home and we can FaceTime every day and night okay?" She smiles and nods her head.

"I'm just going to miss your kisses" she says and I giggle and kiss her sweetly before pulling away.
"I'll miss them way more then you but hey we have two weeks to kiss as much as we want" she laughs and leans her forehead against mine.
"I love you" she says and I smile.
"I love you too" she smiles and I kiss her again but then my phone rings. I ignore it until it rings again.
"Shit let me take this" I say.
"Language" she says and I stick my tongue out at her before looking at the screen.

"It's Anna" I say and answer the phone.
"Hey Anna" I say.
"Hey Dixie" Anna says. Her voice sounded weird like she was sick.
"Are you okay you sound weird?" I say and Anna coughs.
"Yeah I just feel really sick it's probably just the flu so I don't think I can come to your house tonight" I frown. I was actually really looking forward to hanging out with her tonight.

"Okay rain check?" I say and Anna laughs weakly.
"Definitely. Just one more thing" she says and I nod my head even though she can't see me.
"I told my parents about me" she says and I screw my eyebrows together.
"Told them what?" I say still confused.
"About my drug problem you idiot" she says and my mouth hangs open.
"Holy crap Anna what did they say?" I say and Addison looks at me concerned.

"They were shocked but they said that they were going to support me and help me as much as they can. I might even go to a rehab for a while just to help me out" my heart hurt at that.
"I'll miss you if you left" I say and Anna laughs.
"I'll miss you too but I think it will be good for me, you know a chance to start over" I nod my head and bite my bottom lip.
"You know I'll always be here" I say.
"I know we have our plan remember? To grow old together until our last moment" I smile.

"I can't wait" I say.
"Are you ready for graduation?" She says and I sigh.
"Nope to be honest I'm a little scared" I say and Anna laughs.
"To be honest me too. I don't even know if I passed finals but if I do then I'll be right there with you, holding your hand and telling you how stupid you look in your graduation gown" I laugh and shake my head.
"I love you Anna" I say.
"I love you more dork now go back to loving your girlfriend" I laugh.

"Bye" I say and Anna sighs.
"Bye" she says and I just keep the phone on my ear. I don't want to hang up first I don't know why I just didn't want too.
"Fine I'll hang up then" she says and I laugh and when the phone goes quiet I know she hang up. I put my phone back in my pocket and look at Addison.
"Everything okay?" I nod my head.
"Yeah just Anna being Anna" Addison smiles.
"Want a ride home?" I nod my head an peck her lips.
"Yeah" I say and Addisons smiles and takes my hand and pulls me along. I'm so happy.

• • •

I'm sorry I didn't mean to disappear for so long. There's only a few chapter left of this story before it's the end🤧🤧thank you for all the love so far. I love you all ❤️

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