Surprise ?

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Everyone was looking at Harry shocked even Harry didn't know what was going on. It was silent for a few seconds and Ron asked from across the Gryffindor table "Bloody Hell Harry When were you going to tell us you had a daughter" "I don't" Harry explained this time Lilly answered "you don't love me anymore" with her eyes watering. Harry panicked and said " No no please don't cry"and hugged the little girl sending pleading glances to Ron and Hermione.

Now people were whispering and the head table looked worried. Even Snape."Harry do you know these kids" boomed Dumbledore. Harry shook his head no still holding the three year old. The girl in the middle of the great hall gave the three boys worried glances and asked "what year is it" "1995" the Wesley twins yelled. The four kids eyes grew as large as dinner plates. "What year are you guys from?"asked Hermione curiously."2020" said a blonde boy. A few people starts whispering, gasping, or laughing.

"SILENCE yelled Dumbledore the whole Great Hall went dead quite "Filius use a truth spell on the kids" he said calmly. Professor Flitwick ran up to where the kids were standing. Pointing his wand at the oldest muttering a few words. Dumbledore again said "Say your name, parents, house, and anything else you think we should know." "Well we are from 2020" he started "my name Is James Sirius Potter I am 17 and in Gryffindor I am a chaser on the team my dad is Harry Potter people also say that I am the reason Professor McGonagall is going to retire next year. ". Everybody just sat there dumbfounded the Headmaster chuckled.  

Professor Flitwick took the spell off James and went to the other kids and did the spell on them. Next it was the Harry look-alike's turn "I am Al" "full name "said James Al glared dager at James. The boy hesitated and said " My Name is Albus Severus Potter" he put his hands up expecting an explosion but they all were to shocked to speak." Um well I am 15 and in Slytherin I am the Seeker and the best at charms my generation has ever seen"."Wait a Potter in Slytherin?" asked Maloy."I almost got put in Slytherin" everyone stared at Harry like le was a lunatic. Until the little girl in Harry's arms go "I am Lilly Luna Potter I am 3-"she got cut off by James saying"daddys girl"then she started again after the bushy redhead glared at him "That's mommy and daddy are "pointing to Harry and Ginny. They both turned beet red Lilly started to giggle at this. Dean got so mad at this so did Cho. No one spoke until Ron and Hermione handed the twins 5 gallions,up at the head table the teacher all handed gallions to Dumbledore. But then Ron turned to the kids in the middle if the room and asked "You are telling me my best friend married my sister and knocked her up"."Three times"James laughed at that Dean Ginny Cho and Harry got even redder Harry and Ginny out of embarrassment and Cho and Dean out of anger. This made Lilly laugh even louder.

 But there was still two more kids there obviously Professor McGonagall notice this "And you two are?" she asked. The girl went first "I am Rose Nymphadora Weasley I am 12 I am in Gryffindor I have a little brother named Hugo and my parents are Ron and Hermione Weasley". This time the gallions went to Harry the rest of the Weasleys and Harry were trying so hard to suppress laughs.It was now the scared blond boys turn "I am Scorpius Orion Malfoy I am 12 and in Slytherin I don't play quidditch my parents are Draco and Astra Malfoy but I spend 50% of my time at the Potters"he finished. "Why?" asked Harry "Well I am very close friends with the family. I even have my own room there!"Everyone was shocked and Draco started choking on his pumpkin juice but all of a sudden there was a loud knock on the door.

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