A sister?

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"Oh Shit". Everyone turns to see a tall girl with long sandy hair, with ocean blue eyes scared out of her mind."Where are we"she asked worriedly. "We will answer that question when you tell us who you are"asked Snape."Fine I am Marilene Jo Lupin, I am a Gryffindor quidditch captain, seeker by the way. I am 17 ...OH and I am werewolf but without transformation." Remus Looked like he was about to have a panic attack but he just ran up to her and gave her a hug whispering "I'm sorry"


"Because you have to be a werewolf."

"I would rather be a werewolf than without you for my dad."

He let go of her giving a smile and sat down with Tonks. "So where are we?" She asked. "1995" they all said. She just sat there like expected that. "So what were you doing." asked James who wanted to get off the subject."I was finishing the Dursley case" Marilene said rubbing here temples.(she is a intern for an Auror) The future kids just nodded in understanding, but everyone else was obviously clueless. "What?" asked Bill while he and Charlie were dragging Harry after giving Lily to Ginny. "So Dudley has a daughter named Daisy and she just got her hogwarts letter-". Harry went pale and wide eyed."And stuff went down and we had to arrest him for 17 years worth of child abuse..." A few people notice how pale Harry went and was confused out of their minds."Wait shouldn't be a 1 year worth because it happened once"asked Ron. "No it was 17" Harry was trying so hard to make her not say those words but he was paralyzed on spot. "How I'm pretty sure the fat one isn't abused and Harry..." Fred discovered Harry's secret  Everyone looked at Harry with pity but one thing he absolutely hates is being pitied. "How about talking about something else." Harry said walking over to the couch but was stopped by Mrs.Weasley who was almost in tears. "Harry we are not going to brush passed this."

"Everyone else did" 

He said it so they just barely heard it but the did. They were either in tears, pissed off, or to shocked to say anything. It looked like Sirius was about to say something but Dumbledore waved him off with a stern look attached telling him to shut up. "So who dies" asked Charlie. "Oh... well we are going to have to obliviate them." Rose said looking around to the rest of the kids who were looking at the ground."Ok so it starts this year-". By that it just gave Harry an empty feeling. His eyes can give you the feeling that he's not happy but no one knows how to make it better. 

All the future kid turn to Harry witch causes everyone else to."Please say Harry doesn't die." asked Ron who has tears threatening to come out. "Yes technically but he comes back to life" James said casually. This calmed down Ron and Hermione who was so scared for her best friends life. "Hey Lil how about you sit with Daddy to make him feel better"Ginny whispered to Lily and a few people nodded and told her to go with Harry. So she trotted over with her small leg climbed on the couch and into his lap. Rose started again"Well where were we so it happened in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and he was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange it was...Sirius Black..."It felt like Harry just punched in the stomach now that everyone was looking at him, he couldn't cry but the tears came out. Everyone waited a few seconds and got up and either hugged or shaken hands with Sirius. But Harry just sat there not wanting to move holding the know sleeping girl and covering her ears not wanting to wake her up."Next it happens next year and it is a planned death between Snape and Dumbledore but Dumbledore still dies". Harry couldn't breath for a second still crying silently he holds Lily closer. "This will be in two years the Battle of seven Potters Mad eye died a hero's death" this made Mad Eye puff out his chest "and the next is called the Battle of Hogwarts we going to to tell a quick summary so it makes sense. It starts on Bill and  Fleur's wedding the whole thing gets attacked and that is the day Uncle Harry, Mom, and Dad became the most wanted people ever. So they went on this trip to finds stuff and destroy it. And the break into the Malfoy Manor. Break into Gringotts high security vault and flys away on a dragon." The adults are dumbfounded,but the kids including Dumbledore is smirking.     

"There was a big war were 50 people died a few people were Snape,Collen Crevery, Lavender Brown, and ...Fred Weasley" The Weasleys burst into tears and ran to Fred and George. While a wave of guilt hit Harry thinking it was all his fault. But after a lot of crying and hugs. Gorge stood up and sat next to Harry."Hey"


"How do you do it"Gorge blurted out"You know losing your whole family"

"Oh...It feels kinda like you are dying you feel empty but you are filled with pain and the pain overwhelmes you gets so used to it you don't feel a thing. But that's not the worst part it's the panic attacks, anxiety, depression. And you know you make plans but you don't want to go you make plans because you know would've wanted to go but it isn't as fun having fun when you don't want to have fun."

   No one moves out of shock. "Why didn't you tell us." asked Hermione.  "No one ever asked" said Harry. "Doesn't mean you couldn't have told us" said Ginny. "Don't you see he didn't want to tell us" said Ron. "Yeah but we could have helped him." said Hermione.  "How could we have help him with something we know nothing about."  Ron said. "We could have read about it" Hermione said. "Hermione this is isn't something you learn in books you learn about it from experience." said Ginny.  No one said anything for a few moments the Fred says "Wow Gin that was deep."

All of adults left around 9. they just spent the rest of the night playing muggle board games and ended up sleeping on the floor.    

Uncle Harry's fifth yearWhere stories live. Discover now