There's more!!

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"What are you guys doing here?"asked Remus,"We have time travelers" said  Charlie. "No way we have some to-wait do you guys know each other?" They all nodded the all introduced them self again but stopped at Teddy who was looking at Tonks and Remus wide eyed. "Who are you" asked Tonks. "I-I am Teddy Remus Lupin, hi mom"he told Tonks. Sh ran to him and gave him a big a big hug. In the background Lupin is pale Sirius is laughing "Are you a...","No but I get cranky near a full moon.But I am a Metamorphmagus"his hair turned to one color to the next."as heart warming as it is can we go see Dumbledore". 

The knocked and opened the big oak door the kids ran to a group in the middle of the floor. "More time travelers I presume"They all nodded"How about we go by family and tell are name". After a lot of awkward silences,laughs,and gallions moving around it was the Potters turn again. "I James Sirius Potter the Prankster extraordinaire at your service!" Snuffles (aka Sirius) was running at the bottom of his legs excitedly. "I am Albus Severus Potter"he said worriedly the only noise was Sirius growling."Hey, don't do that!"Harry whispered to the dog. Then he turned and whispered in the little girls ear and smiled."Daddy if I say my name can we play princess later?"Harry nodded. She squealed"I am Lily Luna I am dis many"she raised her hand but Harry put her pinkie under her thumb."This many" people awed at this it was adorable."Ask them who their parents are" said Seamus with a wide grin on his face."Who is it Harry?" asked Mrs Wesley. "The only one whose face is red" They all started to look around until Tonks screamed"GINNY". There faces got reder they all died laughing."Ok...OK!"everyone was now looking at Ginny "Now that I got your attention can we all speak privately" They nodded they walked out of the great hall. 

Uncle Harry's fifth yearWhere stories live. Discover now