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After a long night of playing games they all ended up sleeping there. When they woke up it was still pretty early so they got ready and watched a muggle movie called Tommy boy. When the movie was done they decided to up to breakfast. But was stopped by a pissed off teen carrying two babies and a bookbag. Albus ran up up and kissed her and looked at the babies in aw. All the future kid were excited to meet the babies except James who walked behind the Wesley. "Hold my babies " the girl handed the babies to Albus tearing up and Vic then went behind the Wesley. Everyone was watching her to see what was going to happen next."What the HELL!!!!"She was was pissed. "Didn't I tell you not to anything stupid until after the babies were born!"

She was going to go livid until Hermione stopped her. "Excuse me but who are you". She calmed down a bit. "I am Vanessa Nott, but call me Nessa. I am 16 in Slytherin that is my daughters Nora Grace and Millie Rae. I live with the Potters And Al's girlfriend and Ginny Harry you are grandparents." Everyone was silent the kids were nervous not knowing what will happen. Vic,and Albus walks up to them with tears in his eyes and shows a identical twins, tanned skinned baby black hair with green eyes.  "They were born on July 15 2020" They are adorable. "So who wants to hold her." Harry and Ginny were the first to hold her, than her Aunts and Uncles,and the the cousins. "Ok I have some good news and bad news good news they know how to get you back bad news it will take a few days." "We should tell this to Dumbledore"

They all made there way up to Dumbledore's after a few guesses they got up there and knocked. When the door finally opened it looked like they were having a order meeting. When they walked in Albus,Nessa and the Twins went in first then went the Potters going to the left side of the room. The Weasleys were next they closed the door and hooked around the side."Who are the three newcomers."asked Dumbledore. 

"Well I am Nessa, Al's girlfriend in Slytherin. This is our daughter Nora Grace and-" she gestured to Albus "Millie Rae They were born on July 15 2020". They looked at the baby in shock but looked up to see to two smiling teens. Then Molly pulled Arthur so that they were in front of the kids and looked at two giggling baby girls. Nessa and Albus picked up their arms so Mrs and Mr.Weasley could pick Nora up. Molly looked up for reasurents and They picked they up with a watery smile "Well I have news the Ministry knows how to get us back but it may take a few days" Nessa stated. "Well that just made it alot easier" said someone in the corner. "But know that we have so many young kids here I think we should make the christmas holiday come sooner and send you to headquarters" said Dumbledore.           

Uncle Harry's fifth yearWhere stories live. Discover now