The Burrow!!

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Molly Weasley was in the kitchen making dinner for her husband Arthur and her two oldest sons Bill and Charlie. Charlie was back from Romania and Mrs. Weasley thought it would be nice to celebrate! Meanwhile in the other room the three men were talking about the Ministry interfering at Hogwarts. BANG!  Everyone whipped  there wands out ready to duel. But who would duel a pile of kids? They were all yelling at each other to get off who every was on them. The adults were giving each other nervous glances not knowing what to do next. But when they finally notice that they had a audience there faces went a vibrant color of scarlet.  

It was a awkward silence it lasted for a few moments until what seemed the the oldest mumbled something to the other four. Then they all stood cautiously with there hands in the air.  Bill was the one who spoke up and with a stern voice he asked"Who the hell are you guys ". They might have planed this but the one who talked was a blue haired boy who reminded them of Tonks. "Well we are from the future and we are all related to you guys". The Weasleys didn't believe them at all and the kids weren't shocked at all.

Again the adults gave each other weird glances not knowing what to do so Mr. Weasley Used two spells on the kids the first was a spell to show your true form and you second was a truth spell. "Now that was cleared up who are you"said Charlie. "I am Edward Remus Lupin I am 16 and in Gryffindor a chaser and the the oldest out of the Potter Weasley clan...Oh we are also from 2020!" Mrs.Wesley squealed in happiness that made everyone jump."Well what is your guys names"asked a creeped out Mr.Weasley. "I am Dominique Weasley. I am in Gryffindor and a beater and this is-""Louis younger brother of Vic and Dom I am 11 and in Gryffindor. But to young to play quidditch and my parents are Bill and Fleur." Mrs.Weasley was not impressed and Bill got really red at that comment. "Well moving on"said a very amused Charlie. "I'm Lucy and I am 9 and that is about it". "Um my name is Molly" Mrs.Weasley had a grin to ear to ear."I am 13 and in Gryffindor and our parents are Percy and Audrey." This time Mrs.Weasley was crying tears of joy."I think we should go to Dumbledore about this we will floo to Hogwarts". They went into the house. 

The kids went first and then the adults coming into the Gryffindor common room,"they are probably in the great hall" said Teddy. They opened the portrait hole and started to head down to the great hall but they were stopped by a woman with bright pink hair, a tall man with scars all over, and a black dog with a group of kids like theres?         

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