Back to Black

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As they were packing up to got to the Grimmauld place Lily was adamant about bring her princess stuff. "What  should we bring?" Hermione asked. "Can we bring dad and grandma?" Scorpius asked. Everyone stares at him dumbfounded. "I forgot you aren't a Wesley" says  Ginny. "Nope Malfoy through and through" "You really are Malfoy's son aren't you" Ron says. "Wait Malfoy and his mom can't know were headquarters are." says Hermione. "They are part Black they probably already know." Sirius replied. "How?" asked Ginny. " Sirius's mom and Narcissa's mom were sisters, so Malfoy and Sirius are cousins. So they will get alerted when someone is in the house" says Harry. "Ok we bring Malfoy and his mom to the Grimmauld place." says Lupin.   

Draco and Narcissa both get invitations to go to headquarters that also work as portkeys. When everyone gets there Harry asks "When are Draco and Narcissa getting here?" "In a few minutes" says Lupin. "Should we get my mom here?" says Tonks "Yeah I will owl her" say Sirius. Then everyone hears the sound of a portkey, and suddenly the door opens. Narcissa and Draco walk into the room and Narcissa immediately spots Sirius and walk over to him. SMACK!  Narcissa backhand Sirius right across the face. Draco burst out laughing as everyone else stands dumb founded. They all sit there motionless(except Draco who is laughing his ass off). Narcissa is looking at Sirius teary eyed. When Andromeda enters the room and see's the play happening before her when she is noticed Narcissa is crying harder. "You left me" said Narcissa "You both left me.". "What are you talking about?" said Tonks. "Do they know." Narcissa asked Andromeda. "No" she replied. "Know what?" Hermione asked. "Narcissa is two years younger than the Marauders"

"Wait hold on you are telling me that you are two years younger than Sirius."  said Harry. "Yes.". replied Narcissa. "But Draco is older than me". "Sit back and relax this is going to be a good story." said Draco. Narcissa started the story. 

"First let's start the story with the fact that neither Draco or I hate muggles or muggle-borns.We put up an act to keep Lucius happy." said Narcissa. "Evil bastard" said Draco. Narcissa gave him a pointed look. "What its true." said Draco. "Anyway Andromeda was supposed to marry Lucius. When she ran away to marry Ted Which I had to use polyjuice to sneak into to see I had to step up to." "But you were what 14 when mom married my dad." said Tonks. "Yes 14 and exactly" said Narcissa. "That's messed up ." said Ginny. "Yup" said Draco popping the p. "My parents had a contract drawn up that basically said when I was 18 we would be married." Narcissa continued. "So a week after my 18th birthday I was walking down the aisle going to marry a man I didn't love." "Wait when is your birthday?" asked Ron. "August 13th" said Andromeda. "So that means you were married on the 20th and got pregnant while you were at Hogwarts." said Hermione. "That is correct Hermione."said Narcissa. "I was 18 married, 9 months pregnant and taking my N.E.W.T.S." said Narcissa. Molly had a horrified look on her face. "And to top it all off I went into labor on the Hogwarts express."    

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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