What to do?

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All of the Adults were confused when they were walking to the seventh floor. They all stopped in front of a wall when Harry stepped forward holding lilys hand. Mr. Wesley was about to say something until a door appeared. When they walked in it had a table doors heading to most likely bedrooms. couches and chairs. Finally someone spoke up "What is this place"asked Snape. "The Room of Requirements"they all said in unison. 

"It comes out to show someone deepest desire so please don't think anything stupid, there are kids around."Hermione finished. A few people giggled"But in all seriousness how are we going to get them back" everyone looked up eager to know. "Let's have the Adults figure that out and right now we have to we have to worry out where they will stay"said Mrs. Weasley. "I want to stay with Daddy","I don't think me teachers are to keen on the idea of a three year old in there class".Everyone nodded but Lily started crying and saying"I want to stay with Daddy"and Harry picked her up and was telling "Oh my god oh my god Um... you can stay with me only if you stay quiet in class"she nodded and put her head against Harry's chest."You are such a pushover"said Tonks with Ginny and Hermione nodding by her side."But look how small and cute she is"argued Harry. "So if I started crying you would get me what I wanted"asked a curious Ginny "most likely".Now she has a big smirk on her face."Don't get any ideas"said Harry"Yeah we don't want James to come early". Fred and George were laughing at there joke until they looked up and saw there face that screamed danger.

Everyone was shocked of what happened next."Sorry Harry-""Sorry Ginny". "How did they do that." McGonagall whispered to Mrs. Weasley. She was about to answer Hermione and Ron came over to the group of adults "There are the scariest people at Hogwarts"stated Hermione."yeah you don't to get on there bad side as one but together"Ron let out a low whistle."But Harry is so kind"said Tonks."Oh you better pray he is in a good mood other than that his eyes are like a killing curse"The past and the future kids shuddered and Harry and Ginny smirked and high fived.

It was 7 pm some of the the order came and go  and somehow the talk got somehow to tattoos. "Mom says I have to wait until I am out of Hogwarts, but she also said Dad got his first tattoo when he was 14" said James. The adults were talking at the table when they heard this and walked over to see what this about. "Do you mind saying that again dear" Mrs.Weasley asked

"Dad got his first tattoo at 14" 

Harry who was in another conversation with Hugo and Ron. Heared what was going on and paled slightly."Harry is this true" asked worried Lupin."Ummm.....why would you think that?". "Harry James Potter please say you don't have a tattoo" said a VERY scary Hermione. "Do you want the truth or the answer you want to here".

"The truth" they all said in unison


Everyone was confused no one knows who said that.

 "6884,36,3122,That's Daddy's tattoo " Everyone looked at Lily in astonishment. How could she remember that Thought Harry. "So you do have one" asked a very shaken up Mr.Weasley. "Yes" Harry said hesitantly. The adults seemed livid exept Sirius who was the only one who knew what those numbers ment. It looked like people were about to start yelling until someone all of a sudden said "Oh shit".

Uncle Harry's fifth yearWhere stories live. Discover now