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(y/n's pov)

i stood in the mirror, reaching over to ava's dresser and grabbing her brush off of it, trying to brush my hair to perfection for what seemed like the 30th time already. ava was taking us to finn wolfhard's meet and greet, and i was practically terrified. finn wolfhard has been my celebrity crush since forever.

"bitch, grab my brush one more time and i will smack you to jupiter." ava sat up and set down her phone. i turned to look at her and she took a good look at my outfit. "you look just fine." i sighed and set ava's brush back down. i readjusted my belt, sitting down next to ava on her bed as devyn walked in.

"my makeup, you likey?" devyn closed her eyes and leaned over, tilting her head a bit. she rarely wore makeup, but when she did, it looked really good. she opened her eyes a bit and i gave her a thumbs up, sticking it right in her face. she giggled and turned around just as julian and elias stormed in from wherever they were.

"guys! oh, devyn, i like the makeup. guys! can we go now, i'm getting antsy." elias said while he was jumping around. i swear, he acts like a child sometimes.

"why are you guys getting antsy? every time i bring the poor dude up you roll your eyes and scoff." i giggled and punched his arm. he rubbed the spot a bit and made a fake pouty lip.

"i don't know. i think it's just the fact that i'm gonna be meeting somebody famous?" he let go of his arm and shrugged. julian nodded.

"if we leave right now, i'll take all of your pictures." julian smiled and the three girls shared a look.

"you have no idea what you just set yourself up to." ava patted his shoulder, walking past him and out of the door.


(i have no idea how meet and greets work so bare with me please lmao)

everybody filed out of the car, grabbing their stuff and walking over to where the meet and greet was being held. the ride was short, and i'm guessing we were pretty early, seeing as there were only a handful of kids around. we walked up to the building where it was being held at, immediately being met with a security guard. he asked for our tickets and we delivered, walking into the place.

"fuck yeah, cold air." i said as we walked in making everybody laugh. it was the middle of summer, and super hot outside. i breathed in the cold air and looked around the place. there was an empty spot of the room surrounded by rope.

"i think that's where finn's supposed to be when he comes out." devyn poked my shoulder and pointed toward the place i was just looking at. i nodded and moved closer to it, looking at the rope. another guard came out, looking down at us.

"finn will be out soon." he smiled and we returned the gesture. we sat down on the floor as we waited for more people to arrive. i picked at the carpet and scrolled on instagram to cure my boredom. after what seemed like forever, i saw finn poke his head behind some curtains, gazing around the room. i sat up making my friends sit up along with me. finn was still looking around the room, and we made eye contact. it was brief, but when i looked down and back to where he was, he was gone already.

"i'm so excited!" ava whisper-yelled as she shook me causing me to chuckle. she let go of me and i turned my attention to my purse, attempting to find my chapstick. as soon as i got a hold of it, the room erupted in high pitched screams, causing me to jump. i looked up, and there he was, in all his glory, finn wolfhard. i smirked a bit as he smiled and waved at various places in the room. every time he did, the screams got louder and you could hear a, "he looked at me!" or, "he waved at me!"

"hello vancouver!" he spoke into a microphone after the screaming died down only for there to be more. he shook his head and smiled a bit, making a bit of small talk before having people in line come through. even though we were pretty close to the front in the line, it still felt like it took forever.

"you can go in now." the guard who was watching the line moved aside, letting us through to where finn was. he smiled and opened his arms, sending an invite for a hug. ava accepted immediately, running over to him and hugging him. he looked a bit shocked and stumbled back a bit, yet still wrapped his lanky arms around her.

"ava, you're killing him." devyn poked her shoulder and i  giggled. ava pulled away from the hug, smoothing down her skirt before finn turned toward elias and julian. the three did an acknowledging nod at the same time. it was a bit freaky. devyn gave finn a long hug, pulling away as he turned to me. he smiled at me and opened his arms once more. i smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. i swayed a bit, pulling away and looking at the floor. finn made a bit of small talk, asking for our names and stuff like that before devyn and ava walked over to where the boys were being awkward and antisocial.

"a bet is a bet!" i looked over to where devyn was waving her phone in front of julian's face. he sighed and reluctantly took the phone, making the girls smile. they rushed over and pulled my wrist, positioning me for a picture. julian stood in front and took a couple of pictures before handing phones back. we all said our goodbyes, waving and going to leave.

"w-wait." i heard finn say then sigh, i looked at my friends who hadn't stopped walking, and then behind me to where finn stood. he looked over at me, picking at his nails, a smile appearing on his face seeing as i noticed him before he walked toward me a bit. he pulled his phone out of his pocket, doing some stuff on it before practically shoving it into my hands. i fumbled with it as he rubbed his neck and i looked at it, a number keypad the only thing on the screen.

"is finn wolfhard asking for my number?" i smirked and looked up at him, watching him remove his arm from his neck, shrugging.

"worth a try?" he said, giving me a lopsided smile. i shook my head, feeling a bit of heat come to my face. i laughed before punching in my number and handing his phone back. i waved at him and he gave a tiny wave back, putting his phone back into his pocket. the guards opened the door for me, allowing me to leave.

"y/n!" i heard as soon as i stepped foot onto the concrete. i looked over to see my friends speed walking their way toward me.

"where the fuck were you?" everybody yelled out, seeing as we were quite a distance.

"we were worried for you." devyn put her hands on my shoulders once she reached me, lowering her voice. i looked around at everybody and started laughing. they all gave me confused faces.

"you guys get so worked up over nothing." i said, still laughing.

"nothing? you could have been kidnapped!" ava looked in disbelief.

"or raped." julian chimed in.

"oh my god, you guys! wolfhard stopped me, okay?" i said, my laughter finally dying down.

"the finn wolfhard?" elias' eyes widened. i nodded and shrugged.

"oh god! spill!" ava practically screamed in my ear.

"shut up, i'm tired." i yawned, trying to avoid the topic by looking up at the sky that was already getting dark making her roll her eyes.

"fine. let's go." devyn smirked and grabbed my hand, pulling me along.

"tomorrow, you're telling me everything." ava said causing us all to laugh.

meet & greet // f.wTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang