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(y/n's pov)

"if she doesn't wake up right now, i'm leaving." i heard elias say, making my eyes flutter open. i rubbed my eyes and sat up, looking at the 4 familiar faces staring at me with wide eyes.

"so?" ava shook her head, hey eyes still wide.

"so what?" i said, stretching a bit and grabbing my brush off of my nightstand. "wait a second, how did you guys even get in my house?" i scratched my head and looked at all of them confused.

"the key under the plant, duh!" devyn chuckled, causing me to laugh along.

"okay, okay, whatever. what happened yesterday?" julian said, fiddling with his fingers.

"yesterday? what happened yesterday?" a smirk formed on my face as i pretended to not know what they were talking about.

"stop acting stupid, we wanna know already!" elias swayed a bit.

"why are you guys so impatient? shouldn't you be playing video games or something?" i giggled and walked over to the kitchen.

"fuck you." he said, sitting down on one of the bar stools for the island. i laughed at his response and took out pancake mix. i made pancakes as i told them what happened, and for some reason, they were so excited. they usually get so annoyed whenever i talk about my celebrity crushes.

"oh my fuck! wolfhard asked for your number?" ava repeated for like the 15th time. i nodded my head and flipped the pancake that was cooking on the pan, setting it down on top of the others i already made. i grabbed some plates, putting pancakes on them, and handing them out. we all ate in comfortable silence, watching whatever was on the tv at the time. all of a sudden, my phone dinged, and ava practically dived for it.

"ava, what the-?" i tried to say while reaching out for my phone, she wrestled for it a bit before i finally got it back. god, she's got a strong grip.

"who is it? who is it?" she bounced up and down, making me shake my head. i unlocked my phone, opening the text.

[unknown number]
hi, is this y/n?

yes. who's asking?

[unknown number]
finn 😳

oh jeez, hihihi :))

-y/n has changed [unknown number] to [finn 😼]-

[finn 😼]
lol hi
[finn 😼]

i've got to go, but talk later?

sure. byeee😗

[finn 😼]
byeee !

i giggled a bit and shut off my phone, setting it down and looking at everybody who had wide eyes once again.

"oh my god, was it finn?" devyn tapped her fingers on the table, waiting for an answer. i simply nodded, getting up and bringing my plate to the sink. screaming could be hurt from behind me, making me smile


"no! don't do it!" i screamed as devyn waved her ice cream dangerously close to my face, threatening to smear it on my nose. i pushed the cone back, making her giggle. i turned to see julian and elias walking out of forever21, looking fed up. they made their way over to me and devyn, their feet practically dragging behind them.

"ava's got hand fulls of clothes in there. i expect to be here for hours!" elias shook his head, grabbing my ice cream. i protested, but he held me back with ease, putting his giant hand on my face and keeping me away.

"why do you have to be so tall?" i said, giving up and wrapping my arms around my body. i made puppy dog eyes, pouting out my bottom lip. i looked over to where forever21 was, watching as ava made her way out with so many bags. ava made her way over to us, showing devyn what she bought. i looked around a bit, spotting some kid in a black cap looking at me, and i quickly looked away.

"y/n?" i heard in the same general direction from where the kid was, causing me to look up to see him walking over to me. i squinted my eyes a bit before realizing who it was. i guess devyn and ava already noticed, though, because they were holding onto each other, giggling and slightly jumping.

"finn?" i scratched my head as the guy nodded. he walked over to me, engulfing me in a small but surprising hug. he waved at my friends as they all went into their separate conversations.

"so.. the mall, huh?" i said, making him nod again.

"yeah, my brother nick said he needed some new clothes or something like that. what about you, why are you here?" he asked and i looked back at my friends for a split second, shrugging.

"i dunno. i guess we were just bored." i chuckled a bit. he chuckled too, looking back to see his brother come out of wherever he was shopping.

"i've gotta go. maybe we can call later tonight?" he grabbed the hem of his shirt, messing with it a bit. i nodded and he gave me a thumbs-up, walking back over to where his brother was.


i was sitting on the couch, eating and getting fat, when my phone dinged. i grabbed it, unlocking it, and opening the notification.

[finn 😼]
heyy r we still up for that call?

yup 🤪

[finn 😼]
k. i'll call in like 5😎


i felt my face getting warm as i got up, making my way to my room and brushing my hair. i sat on my bed, stalling for a bit before i got a facetime call from finn. i accepted it and propped my phone against my pillows on my bed.


we were on the phone for hours, talking about the most random stuff. we liked a lot of the same things, finding ourselves agreeing on pretty much any topic that came up.

"i think i'm gonna go. i'm getting pretty tired." i yawned, stretching my arms a bit. he frowned before yawning too.

"yawns are contagious. goodnight y/n/n" he said making me giggle and raise an eyebrow.

"ooo, we are on nicknames now? okay, goodnight finnlard." i laughed along with him. we ended the call and i plugged my headphones into my phone, blasting music through them, eventually falling asleep.

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