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(finn's pov)

i watched y/n sleep, not knowing what i did. was i a bad kisser? did she not like the kiss? did she regret it? the last thing i'd ever want to do was make her feel sad, uncomfortable, feel like she couldn't talk to me, and here i was, doing just that. she started stirring around a bit, getting up, not looking at me or saying anything. i watched as she went to the bathroom and i sighed.

(y/n's pov)

i left the bathroom, expecting to see finn in bed or something, but he stood right in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

"y-y/n" he breathed out. he went to say something but stopped when he noticed i moved right past him, sitting down on the bed.

"y/n, please. can we just talk.. i don't know what i did." he looked down, and i couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. i sighed and nodded, changing finn's once sad expression to one of hope. he quickly walked over to me, sitting down next to me, his leg shaking.

"i- what did i do?" he asked silently and once again, i felt like i was on autopilot, things spilling out even if i didn't want them to.

"what you did was you kissed me, finn." he widened his eyes at me.

"let me guess, you didn't like it? or.. was it bad? i reall-" he babbled on until i stopped him.

"no, finn. it's not any of those things. it was nice.. it's just.. i kinda expected my first kiss to not be on camera." i said, getting up from where i was to find something to wear. finn followed after me, asking me a bunch of questions that i just blocked out. i eventually had enough and just turned around, kissing him.

not a peck, a real kiss. although it didn't last long, i definitely enjoyed it more than last time. i felt finn go to deepen the kiss, but that was out of the question when we both heard the door open, pulling away from each other as quickly as possible.

"hey you two, hurry up it's already.. 1.." elias trailed off, his eyes wide and he immediately shut the door. i could feel the regret radiating off of elias' body from the other side of the door, making me laugh.

"was that one at least a little better?" finn smirked, pushing hair behind my ear.

"much better." i smirked back.


we drove around, trying to find the perfect place to eat lunch.

"what about this place?" ava asked as she pulled the rental car into the parking lot of a small cafe. we all agreed on it and walked inside, taking in the strong scent of vanilla candle in the air. we sat down, talking about random stuff until the waiter came over, asking what we wanted to drink and handing us menus. for some reason, me and finn couldn't get our eyes off of each other, giddy smiles on our faces.

"yo, lovebirds. what do you want to eat?" devyn giggled and pointed to the waitress who had been trying to get our attention. finn and i awkwardly laughed, ordering and talking about anything that came to mind. after we finished, we went to the mall, which was of course ava's idea.

"you should try this dress on y/n. what do you think finn?" ava held the dress in front of me and finn nodded, turning his attention back to julian and elias. ava brought me to the changing room, insisting i try the dress on every time i tried to back out. she shoved me into the room, and i sighed, eventually changing.

"wow.." i mumbled to myself as i looked in the mirror. the dress was actually a lot prettier when it was on, and it fit me nice. i opened the door, and ava's jaw dropped.

"i'll be back." she winked and ran off.

"excuse me! men can't be back he-" i heard the worker say, making me laugh. i stood in the mirror, the door still open, admiring the dress. through the mirror, i could see ava rush over, dragging finn with her.

"ava why are you in such a rush to- oh. wow." finn had his eyebrows creased, but his mind cleared when he saw me. to be honest, his wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth made me laugh. ava pushed him in, shutting the door behind him. i could hear her giggle as she walked away.

"you look.. wow." he chuckled, putting his arms around my waist. i looked down and smiled, feeling him lift my chin up with his thumb. i could feel myself leaning in when there was a knock on the door. finn cringed and walked over, opening the door and smiling slightly.

"sorry." he cleared his voice and walked away. the worker's once angry face softened when she saw me.

"you look great in that." she winked and closed the door, making me smile.


"that will be 24.99. cash or card?" the worker asked.

"card." i heard a voice say from behind me, making me turn around. i saw finn pull his wallet out, handing the lady his card.

"finn.. you don't have to-" i tried to say.

"i want to." he gave me a lopsided smile as the lady handed his card back. i felt a fuzzy feeling in my stomach as i smiled.


"y/n/n" finn whispered as he looked at me. i lay next to him on the bed in the dark, admiring the freckles all over his face that i could see from the little amount of light there was. i hummed in response, raising an eyebrow.

"why are you so beautiful." he cupped my face with his hands as i smiled, leaning into his touch.

"shut up." i smirked.

"come on, i'm only speaking the truth." he cooed out, bringing me into his arms.

"let's go on an adventure." he smiled and got up all of a sudden, grabbing a jacket. i looked at him confused but eventually got up too. we rushed into the elevator, trying to be as quiet as possible even though we were both so excited for no reason. finn pressed the top button on the elevator, the doors opening to a small and steep ladder. we climbed up, opening the hatch. finn got up, helping me through a little.

"it's so nice up here.." i slightly bit my lip as i looked up at the night sky. i never realized how peaceful it was on the roof of a building at night.

"and pretty.." i finished off my sentence.

"not as pretty as you." finn walked over to me, setting his hands on my hips. i looked down, trying to avoid his deathly glare, but failing once he lifted up my chin, setting a kiss on my lips. we smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"i've been wanting to do that all day." finn said making me laugh. how could i be so lucky?

"you know, this is so crazy." i rested my head on finn's chest.

"what is?" he asked.

"this. what we're doing right now. to think this is all happening because i went to a meet and greet." i shrugged, still looking down.

"well, for whatever reason, i'm glad we found each other." he smiled, pecking my forehead.

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