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(finn's pov)

"you're in it deep man." josh winked at me as i rolled my eyes. y/n and i were back over at his place, trying to not do anything too stupid this time.

"yeah.. i guess so. i haven't really asked her to be.. y'know.. yet." i shrugged, scratching the back of my neck.

"what is it with you and the word girlfriend. it's like if you say it, you're just going to puke." josiah chuckled making me shrug again.

"when you finish filming your movie or whatever, you should stay for a bit longer. i think you and her should shoot this music video for me." josh raised an eyebrow, making a weird face. i laughed, nodding slightly.

"well, let me hear it. what's the song?" i asked and josh got up from his seat, walking over to his computer. he pulled up a song called sonora, allowing us to listen.

"sounds good." i smiled. i felt like i could already see everything in my head, and i'm sure josh had the exact same idea.

(y/n's pov)

enya ran around the giant flower field like a little girl. i giggled as she ran up next to me, pulling me along with her. the cold air blew through my hair as i ran, and it felt so nice. i guess i had lost track of where we were running or how long we were running, because the next thing i knew, enya was taking off her shoes, running to the shore of the beach. i looked at the sky, looking at the sunset before i followed enya, kicking my shoes off like she had.

"it's so pretty, isn't it?" enya held onto one of my hands, looking between me and the sunset. i nodded, but i wasn't looking at the sky. i was looking at her. i don't know why, but i had the sudden urge to kiss her, so i did.

"enya?" i whispered. she turned to look at me, and i just did it. i pulled her face in, holding her cheeks in my hands. enya didn't pull away until i did, but when we did, we both realized we kind of messed up. all of a sudden, we both just started laughing for no reason.

"wanna go for a swim?" she smiled and i nodded. she pulled off her shirt and pants, me doing the same. we ran into the ocean, splashing each other and laughing so much it hurt.


"there you two are." drew shook his head as enya and i walked through the door. it was really late already, and i wouldn't be surprised if they thought we got kidnapped or something.

"hey- why are you guys wet?" josh came in the room, scanning us and our drenched clothes.

"what did you guys do?" josiah asked. enya and i looked at each other, giggling at the thought of our kiss we had decided to keep secret. josiah gave us a weird look, going to the fridge and getting a redbull. enya ran upstairs and finn put his hands on my shoulders, looking down at me.

"aren't you cold?" he chuckled.

"a little." i laughed and used my fingers as an example. he shook his head and tossed me his hoodie from earlier. i went to the bathroom, changing my soaked shirt for the warm jacket. i walked back out and he put an arm around my shoulders.


"finn! i'm gonna take a shower." i yelled from the bathroom, peaking my head out of the door to see if he had anything to say.

"no invite? again?" he pouted his lip out, and when he wasn't looking, i took a picture.

"hey, wait!" he rushed after me and my phone.

"two can play that game." i showed him my phone, my newly taken picture as my new background. he smirked and lightly pushed me into the bathroom. i unclothed myself, getting into the shower and letting the water run over my body. i heard the door open, but i figured finn just needed to get something really quickly. all of a sudden, the shower curtain opened slightly, making me jump.

"f-finn?" i cringed and tried to cover myself as much as possible. finn, who was completely naked, stood in front of me. i covered my eyes as he stepped in, and i heard him chuckle. he removed my hands from my eyes, putting them to my side as he closed the curtain.

"hi babe." he said, emphasizing the last word he used.

"hi- wait for a second, babe?" i furrowed my eyebrows, saying it exactly the way he had.

"well, y'know.. only if you want to." he playfully rolled his eyes. i pushed the water out of my face, smoothing my hair behind my ears.

"you could've asked me some other type of way." i giggled.

"cut me some slack. you're gonna be, like, my first ever girlfriend. that is, if you say yes, of course." he did these big puppy dog eyes that i couldn't help but laugh at.

"fine. i'll be your girlfriend." i smiled. he looked pretty shocked for some reason.

"wait, really?" he asked, his expression still lingered with shock.

"no you big bimbo i was joking. yes really, why the hell not?" i chuckled. he smirked, pulling me in for a kiss.


"i love when there are no clouds in the night sky, and all you can see are the stars and moon." i rambled on for the past 5 minutes. i pointed at the sky, making crazy hand gestures. while finn and i were laying there, he just listened, the whole time. he either stared at me or my hands waving in every which way.

"my god, do you ever shut up?" he chuckled, moving my hands down from the sky. i shook my head, my mouth twitching up into a smile.

"i like you a lot, finnlard." i said, a cheeky smile on my face.

"i like you a lot too, y/n/n" he ran his hand through my hair.

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