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(y/n's pov)

-1 1/2 months later-

finn was finally done with filming. i hadn't seen him a lot the past few weeks. he was either filming or hanging out with his friends before they had to fly back home, and i was either sleeping or hanging out with julian, ava, elias, and devyn.

"honey, i'm home!" finn yelled as he closed the door to our bedroom. i laughed, running up to him and practically jumping on him. i wrapped my legs around his torso and he walked over to the bed, falling back on it. i laughed as we went down and got back up.

"we're going to leave in like an hour." finn said, still laying down. i gave him a thumbs up, a big smile plastered on my face. finn was taking us to meet his friends who he has been filming with.

"okay, i'm gonna take a shower." i said. finn sat up, opening his mouth to say something, but i closed it for him.

"and no, you can not join me again." i shook my head and he threw himself back on the bed, groaning.


"if any of those idiots try to do anything with you tonight i'm gonna flip." finn ran a hand through his hair as he frantically looked around for a shirt to wear. i lowered my phone from the bed, eyeing him across the room.

"you told them about us, right?" i raised my eyebrow. i heard him chuckle and he turned around

"yeah. then i showed them a picture of you, and they went wild." he turned back around, settling for a shirt.

"they sound like fun." i giggled and he jumped on the bed, pulling me into his arms.


"wow. the myth, the man, the legend. hi y/n, i'm jack." the small boy in front of me opened his arms. i smiled and gave him a quick hug. we all introduced ourselves, breaking off into our own conversations.

"having fun?" finn asked from his seat beside me. i looked up at him, nodding and smiling excitedly. he chuckled and got up, getting a drink for both of us. as soon as finn had left, a blonde curly-headed boy stole the spot. he had introduced himself as wyatt, and i flashed him a small smile.

"i'm gonna need to vibe check you so hard real quick." he said, a smile creeping up onto his face. i widened my eyes, nervously laughing when finn came back, fruit punch in his hand because we aren't old enough to drink yet.

"jae bae, can we play mario kart? i need to check y/n's skills." wyatt shook my shoulder.

"yikes. good luck." finn whispered in my ear, handing my drink. i chuckled and wyatt got up. finn took his seat back, putting an arm around my shoulders. wyatt stole me away, handing me a controller and setting everything up. we played and i won the majority, 3-2.

"damn. you're better then i though you'd be." he cringed and threw the controller down, going to sit over by chosen and jeremy. i smirked and went to make my way back over to finn when a girl i recognized as sophia stopped me.

"stop hanging out with your boyfriend please, i beg of you!" she grabbed my hands, making a weird face. i giggled and she pulled me down to where she was sitting on some bean bags. we talked for a bit, finding out we actually had a lot in common. she was super pretty, and had this really bold personality. 

"you should meet my girlfriend sometime. it seems like you too are a lot alike." she smiled and i returned the gesture.

"really? what's her name?" i asked, picking at my nails.

"iris. she's really nice. if you do ever meet her, i think you two would get along."

"i've come to collect my girlfriend back." finn towered over us, talking in a weird kind of robot voice. i giggled at his stupidity, standing up.

"fine, you party pooper." sophia crossed her arms around her chest trying to act mad, but eventually giving in, laughing a bit.

"let's go, princess." finn said, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. i shrieked, kicking my legs, but eventually gave up. if i'm being completely honest, i was kind of used to this already. i watched as ava and devyn went to go sit with sophia, and elias and julian went to play mario kart with wyatt.


me and finn had left early, saying that we both needed a lot of sleep for something tomorrow. even though i was kind of bummed i had to leave early, i didn't mind, seeing as i was starting to get a little sleepy.

"guess what?" finn stopped the car in some random parking lot after saying he had a surprise for me.

"yeah?" i asked, practically jumping out of my seat, getting too excited already.

"well, josh asked me to film a music video with him." he said, a big smile on his face.

"oo, that sounds like fun. where is it at?" i raised an eyebrow.

"here. we are gonna stay for a couple more days." i did a little celebratory dance and he grinned so wide.

"there's a catch." he made a weird face. i hummed in response, stopping my dance.

"you're gonna be in it!" he smiled. i was so happy. ever since i was little, i always wanted to be an actor, or at least act in something.

"wait, really? oh my god, fuck you." i laughed in shock and punched his shoulder. he rubbed his shoulder a bit, laughing with me.

"gladly. tell me the dates and i will be on my way." he smirked.

"why are you so god damn horny." i rolled my eyes and shook my head, even though my mouth twitched up into a smile.

"i can't help it. don't get mad at me, get mad at my hormones. that is, unless you really want to." he winked. i scoffed and made a weird face at him.

"hurry up and drive, you weirdo." i laughed.

"okay, okay!" he put his hands up in surrender. i can't with this boy sometimes.

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