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(y/n's pov)

-1 week later-

my loud blaring alarm went off, waking up devyn, ava, and i from our slumber. i sat up straight, rubbing my eyes and looking out the window, seeing as it was still dark outside. finn said that he was going to pick us up around 4 am, and it was already 3. i got up, waking up elias and julian who were sleeping on the couch. everybody decided to stay the night, seeing as we were going to leave early.

"it's too early for this shit." julian whispered while rubbing his eyes and sitting up straight, making me laugh. i walked to the bathroom, yawning and stretching a bit before brushing my teeth. we all took turns using the bathroom and getting ready. by the time all of us were ready, it was already around 3:50. i heard the doorbell ring and answered it, still tired. finn stood in front of me, a large van parked on the street behind him. finn looked wide awake as i blinked my eyes, trying to not fall asleep right then and there.

"someone looks very awake." he chuckled and pulled me in for an unexpected hug. i smiled into his shoulder, feeling like i could fall asleep in his arms.

"y/n! get your shit!" elias yelled from the living room, causing me to depart from finn. i gave him a smile and went to the living room, grabbing my stuff. we all made our way outside, stuffing our bags into the van. i sat next to finn in the front, making myself comfy on the bench seat. ava and devyn sat in the middle row, elias and julian in the back. finn started the car, the music he was listening to coming on from the radio. we hadn't been driving for very long, but i could already feel myself drifting away. 

"tried?" finn whispered. i opened my eyes, looking up at him. he reached a stoplight and looked down at me, smiling. i nodded and rubbed my eyes a bit. he pointed towards his shoulder, and i leaned my head on it.


i woke up, feeling myself being shaken a bit. i opened my eyes, looking over to see finn shaking my arm a bit.

"we're here." he flashed me a warm smile. i look out of the door finn left open, watching as people rushed in and out ofthe airport. finn came back over, holding my suitcase for me. i got out of the car, closing the door as finn locked it. we all made our way into the airport, finding a place to sit.


"flight 726 now boarding. flight 726 now boarding." could be heard over the loudspeaker. finn looked at all of us, standing up and grabbing his bags. we made our way to the plane, finding our spots. finn, elias, and julian sat in the three seats in front of us while devyn, ava, and i sat in the three seats behind them. i had never been on a plane before, and i was a bit nervous. i gripped onto the seat's armrest for dear life.

"we haven't even moved yet." devyn looked over at me with wide eyes, seeing my state. she slung an arm around my shoulders, calming me down a bit. she gave me a warm smile, which i returned. she turned on a movie, giving me an earphone so we could watch it together.


the plane got a bit bumpy, waking me up. i took my head off of devyn's shoulder, looking out the window to see we were close to the ground. it was pretty dark, and i pulled my phone out of my pocket, checking the time. it was nearly midnight already. i saw finn look back from his seat, flashing me a giant smile. the plane landed, and everybody got up from their seats.

"see, it wasn't that bad." devyn giggled and poked my cheek. i made a weird pouty face, and she pulled her phone out, snapping a picture. my eyes widened and i snatched the phone from her hand. i looked at it in horror, but before i could delete it, she had gotten her phone back and was showing everyone.

"that's cute, send it to me." finn pointed at devyn's phone and smiled. i smirked, but it quickly disappeared away when i remembered what picture it was. we all walked out of the airport, going to collect our bags. we were stopped a bunch of times by finn's fans, but none of us really seemed to care. we all pilled into our uber, desperately trying to get away from everybody. we all sighed and got comfortable in the car, eventually reaching the hotel. we all pitched in and paid for the ride, walking into the place.

"hello wolfhard. come this way, please." a security guard gave him a small smile, walking as we followed. i gave finn a confused look, to which he responded with a wink. the guard pushed us into the elevator, pressing the top floor button. i looked at finn excitedly and he smiled at me. we got to the top, the elevator doors opening. i gasped, stepping out and looking around. it was beautiful.

"sick." i heard julian and elias mutter, making me smile.

"how did you afford this?" ava spun in a circle, taking in the place.

"work perks?" he said, more like a question, while shrugging. we all chuckled and he explained how everything worked. he told us that there were only 3 rooms, and everybody broke up into their own groups. before i even had a say, i was automatically stuck with finn. i didn't mind it, though.

"let's go, finnlard. i lightly punched his arm as he lead me to a room. i set my stuff down on the floor, both of us unpacking. finn finished before me, laying down on the bed and doing some things on his phone. i finished, putting my empty suitcase in the corner and sitting on the very edge of the bed.

"oh my god, come here. i promise i don't bite." he chuckled and i smiled, laying down next to him, still keeping my distance.

"like my new wallpaper?" he flipped his phone and showed me. i cringed as i saw the picture devyn took of me on his phone, and he laughed at me.

"i hate it! take it off!" i laughed and tried to grab his phone.

"never! it's too cute." he grinned, holding me back. i eventually gave up, rolling my eyes and trying to act annoyed. i guess it worked, because his face softened, and he pulled me into his arms. this made my act break, a grin forming on my face.

"ugh, you little baby." he scoffed and got up, grabbing some clothes and taking his shirt off. i covered my eyes, nervous giggles escaping my mouth.

"finn! go to the bathroom!" i continued to nervously laugh.

"just don't look." he chuckled at my nervousness. i shook my head, still covering my eyes. i couldn't help but peak a little. he looked.. kinda.. hot? i shook the thoughts out of my mind as finn layed back down.

"your turn." he whispered with a smirk on his face. i gave him an unsure face as my cheeks went red. i reluctantly got up, picking out a random shirt and shorts. i looked over at him, motioning him to cover his eyes.

"oh please, i saw your peaking." he said, turning his attention back to his phone. i smiled lopsidedly, and changed quickly, my hands getting shakier every time i noticed his little glances. i covered as much of myself as i could, and i could tell he knew what he was doing every time he looked. i slightly bit my lip, walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. he joined me not a while later, us standing there in awkward silence. he spit out the toothpaste, grabbing a towel and wiping his mouth, turning to me.

"are you self conscious?" he leaned on the counter. i looked down at the tile, nodding slightly.

"who isn't nowadays." i shrugged and went to turn away, but he reached out for my hand, pulling me back slightly. he held onto my hand, using his free one to move some hair from out of my face.

"i think you look beautiful." he smirked, occasionally looking down at my lips. he sighed and, hesitantly, pressed a kiss to my cheek. my face radiated heat and he walked out of the bathroom, looking back at me and waiting for me to follow. we both laid down, looking at each other. he patted the spot next to him and i scooted closer. he stopped laying on his side, going on his back and putting an arm around me.

"what are you doing?" i smiled and he looking down at me.

"cuddling you. what does it look like?" he smirked and raised an eyebrow. i had never really done this type of thing, and i felt a bit awkward, trying to figure out what to do with my arms and stuff. he chuckled at my struggle, helping me out.

"here, give me this arm." he poked the arm he wanted and i slightly lifted it in the air. he wrapped it around himself. even though i slept for practically a whole day, being in finn's arms made me feel so cozy. finn drew shapes on the palm of my hand, and i immediately fell asleep, smiling into his chest.

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