13 • banana bread

10 2 0

Previously On Triplets Apart 2:
Jada bonds with Amy. She then asks her father for her phone. They apparently removed most of her data but she then discovers that there was a missed call recently from someone of special interest.


After texting Tariq for the rest of the evening about nothing in particular or anything that made actual sense, it's now 8pm and Jada haven't even taken a shower yet. She didn't even notice.

The last thing he said, he was going to take a shower. Without responding, she took that as an opportunity to take a shower of her own, leaving her phone to capture a little charge. The battery was on 2%.

Soon as she's done, she does her usual moisturising routine. Pulling on comfortable tank top and grey sweats, she heads to the kitchen for her dinner that she delayed this time, her family had dinner without her. She was so caught up in mirth at the funny memes that Tariq kept sending her. It's like he knows exactly what makes her laugh.

Breaking one of the house rules that hasn't been abided anyway, she sneaks her food in her room. Checking her phone but seeing that there aren't any messages from him. She finishes her food before taking the plate back to the dishwasher and then back to her room.

Holding her phone with both hands, she wiggles her thumbs in thought of what to say, also realizing that she was the one who hasn't replied.

SB- *Hey, knocked out?* she sends.

Prince- *Nah. Was waiting for u.* he replies within seconds.

SB- *Movie suggestions?*
SB- *I'm not sleepy.*

Prince- *Escape plan.*

SB- *Seriously? Been there.*

Prince- *John Wick?*

SB- *You've gotta be kidding me!*
SB- *I take that as an insult for you to even think that I haven't watched John Wick before! I love that movie!*

Prince- *What then? Obviously you've seen every action movie my mind can come up with.

SB- *Scratch that. Aren't you cold?*

Prince- * Well, it's December now, what do you think? Lol.*

SB- *Right. Christmas spirit?*

Prince- *Not a fan. My parents has it   covered though, decorating and shit. Hbu?*

SB- *Same! Finally someone I can relate to.*
SB- *You know, I can never understand all of this Santa Claus thing, what's the point?*
SB- *Imagine lying to your kids their entire young life about fantasies that doesn't exist in real life. Lmao*

Prince- *Like, wtf is a tooth fairy?*

SB- *And for the love of God, wtf does a Easter bunny even do?*

Prince- *I'm sorry but if it takes all these lies to build a childhood, then my kid better find another source of hope or enjoyment. Lol.*

SB- *Damn, my fingers hurt. We've been texting like all day.*

A few minutes later, there's no reply from Tariq. She begins to wonder if she said something wrong, maybe he took offense to what she said?

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