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Previously On Triplets Apart 2:
After returning from an interesting day, Phoebe and Jada meets in the kitchen after 2 in the morning, followed by a short but warm and interesting conversation.


Phoebe saunters towards the kitchen. Removing her heels, she couldn't wait until she was upstairs and settled in her room because her feet hurts.

"2:15am." A voice startles her as soon as she reaches the door way, she screams. Hurrying over to the light switch, she turns on the light.

"Jada? What the hell are you doing down here sitting in the dark?" Startled Phoebe stares at her sister who possesses her usual poker face.

"You know me. Once I have my phone, no other light in a room is necessary."

"That's only if you're using your phone." Phoebe heads to the fridge to grab a bottle of water, returning to sit beside her sister, who is seated Indian style on a stool around the island. "Who're you talking to at this time?"

Phoebe stares at her silent sister, Jada's bored face expression tells her that she has no intention of answering to her. Phoebe sighs disheartened, knowing it's useless to ask again. Jada is stubborn and once she decides on something, that's what she's sticking to.

The fact that Jada refuses to tell her, answers her question though. Phoebe knows exactly who Jada's been talking to.


"Don't." Jada cuts off her sister's words, not wanting to hear anyone else lecturing her of who to not talk to.

"Okay. How long have you two been communicating?" Phoebe chooses to switch her disapproval to support. For now, just to at least hear how her sister is feeling. Phoebe doesn't thinks anyone dislikes Tariq as much as she does.

"Just.. a while." Jada shrugs.

Phoebe pauses for a while, trying to study her sister, she's almost impossible to read, leading Phoebe's scrutiny to fail.

"You like him?" Phoebe asks, hoping her question would elicit a different emotion on Jada. And surprisingly it did. Very hard to recognise, but Phoebe catches on by Jada's shift in eye focus, her eyes soften. Jada's silence alone is enough. Jada is her sister anyway and she's the most similar one to her of all her sisters. "You do." Phoebe whispers in realization.

"I didn't say I did. The guy is bad news, right? Don't worry, I won't let you down." Jada says in a dismissive tone. Phoebe opens her mouth to say something but the words decided to take a turnoff, disappearing somewhere. "So where've you been? Out with your porn star friends?" She changes the subject.

Phoebe giggles softly, "they're not all porn stars."

"Like Seth?" Jada keeps her eyes fixated on her sister before Phoebe immediately shifts her eyes to Jada. Jada lets out a simple air of laughter through her nose.

"I just met the guy 1 day ago, come on." Phoebe waves her off. Jada's eyes shifts to Phoebe's top, noticing her difference in clothing.

"2 days ago, to be exact. It's a new day now." Jada jumps down from the stool after a new notification popped up on her phone. She kisses her sister's cheek then wipes the area with her fingers. "It could be a year ago. Or a minute ago. Sometimes one look is all it takes. One look that lasts only seconds." Jada smirks before walking out the kitchen.

"And J?" Phoebe calls out before Jada disappears around the corner. Jada steps back for a full view of Phoebe. "I was reading something the other day and it said there's three stages of love." Jada raises her brows, urging Phoebe to continue. "Long story short.. let's just say, losing sleep over someone is apart of the process." Phoebe finishes. Jada simply smiles, disappearing.

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