Chapter 1: Someone. Anyone. Please kill her now.

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For the sake of comfort, I have made the characters to be in their early 20s. But you can age them however you want. Mature readers only! Stay away innocent souls!

[Warning] It may trigger things like PTSD so read at your own comfort.

Patrol ended along with the need to do anything but have fun. The night was old, but they certainly weren't. Ladybug burst out laughing as she kicked Robin off the roof sending him tumbling down 7 feet of cement before he caught himself on a pipe. He grumbled and scaled the building chasing after her. Her squees and giggles escaped into the night as she ran hopping off a building to jump onto a lamp post and then onto the outside canopy of a store and onto another roof. 

She turned around looking to see if he was still behind her but jumped back violently when she bumped into someone. Apologizing profusely as she turned around but then shrieking when she saw who it was.

"H-Hey Robin. No hard feelings right?" She took a step back. "I mean I was only playing around." She took another step back. "If I were in that situation, you'd be laughing too." She bolted.

But not before he grabbed her wrist tight defeating any hope of escaping back home. She gulped and looked up with what some would call 'kitten eyes' or she would call 'give me a cookie eyes'. His frown deepened. "I'm not falling for that."

She grinned. "Damn. I really thought that would work! I mean, you did just fall off a--" she squealed and laughed as he pushed her off the side of the roof then pulled out her yoyo and attached it to a lamp pole. "You know that won't work on me Dami!"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me by my--ugh." He sighed in frustration. He could survive almost anything, but this woman would certainly be the death of him. 

She swung up and landed neatly next to him. She smiled at him earning a frown in return and sat down dangling her legs off the side of the roof. When suit met cement, she shivered. He watched as she sat and sat down next to her.

"Y'know you should wear like a jacket or scarf or something. It's still very cold despite being spring."

"Aww. Is Robin worried about little old me?" 

He rolled his eyes. "If you caught a cold, it would be a nuisance when we're trying to work."

She sighed. "Yeah yeah."

He stared at her. She'd been here for what? 2 months now? And she still hadn't grown accustomed to Gotham's cold nights. He huffed and looked away watching as the stars blinked and the moon smiled.

The wind played a soothing melody almost resembling a lullaby and the trees followed along. Ladybug stared out into the world looking for inspiration for her next fashion piece. Maybe she could make a top. Or maybe she could convince Tim to let her make a few adjustments to his cape. She turned her head to Robin.

"Hey Dami, do you think Red Robin would--" Her voice died down into a whisper as she watched him staring out into the sky. He looked so peaceful and gentle. And so calm. His hair danced in the wind and shined as the moonlight hit it.

He looked so...

She found herself leaning in and slowly lifted her hand to touch his silky hair. When she ran her fingers through the tips, his head swerved around. 

"What are you--Ladybug?" 

She liked it when he looked at her. Because then it meant his attention was on her and her alone. She leaned in closer and closer. She could see his beautifully crystalline green eyes piercing through her own bluebell ones. She tucked his hair around her fingers and ran them through again. It was just so soft...

Intoxicating💋 [Rewritten]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz