A New Start ( 4 / 4 )

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Roen's pov

I ran off towards the mansion. I walked down the sides of it, stopping when I was under my window. Well, the window was three floors up, but you get what I mean. I turned my back towards the mansion and started walking forward.

'This is the way Vera and I took when we got hunted down by Raven and Shiki.'

I looked around while replaying the scene in my head.

'Vera and I jumped out of my window. We ran straight ahead towards the woods. I stopped Vera saying that we weren't going to make it. Shiki and Raven flew above us. Vera pushed me aside and got hit. We hit Shiki and Raven. We ran a little bit and transformed.'

"I don't get it. It should be here." I thought out loud once I reached the point where I thought the entrance would be. "Did I forget somet- huh?!" My sentence was cut short by me greeting the grassy ground. In other words, I fell. No, not quite falling. More like, tripping. I stood up and dusted of my clothes, frowning a little at my once white dress shirt. Deciding that that wasn't the most of my concerns right now, I looked at the ground looking for the culprit. Seeing that the culprit was the hole I was looking for, my frown turning into a determined glare. I was one step closer to finding Vera.

I transformed into my pomeranian form and entered the hole. The sandy walls soon became firmer and larger, enough for me to start running. I took a few turns as the walls around me changed into something more corridor-like. Finally making it to the secret hall beneath the Rikimaru mansion, I transformed back. There were a quite few doors on the left and right side of the hall.

'Vera could be everywhere.'

I sighed and walked over to the doors on the left side of the hall. I would continue opening them until I reached the end and then make my way back opening the doors on the right side. Opening door one, I saw that it was a sleeping chamber. It was a grey coloured room with two beds on each side of the room, making four beds in total. The following doors were exactly the same, only the colours being different. Next were the bathrooms. After that, there was a bigger door. Different from all the others.

"This must be the exit or the entrance for the others." I mumbled. "Better not open this one, unless I want to alarm the whole mansion."

After that I opened a few other doors, my anxiety growing.

'What if she isn't here and actually went into the woods?' Only the thought made my stomach turn. I took a deep breath and continued my search. I mustn't give up now.

As I was nearing the end of the hallway, I caught a familiar scent. It was the fresh smell of rain mixed together with something sweet.

'That is Vera! Why didn't I think of trying to find her scent sooner?! I'm a Cerberus for crying out loud!'

After giving myself a mental facepalm, I followed the scent towards a right door on the end of the hall. There was a label on the door saying 'recovery room'. I believe this is the same room we went to to treat Vera's injury.

I gently knocked on the door.

"Vera? Are you in there?" I was met with silence.

"Vera? Please, it's me. Roen." Again, no response.

"I'm coming in." I opened the door and walked in. Vera was in her pomeranian form in the corner of the room. I closed the door behind me and crouched down.

"Vera." I said softly, while slowly making my way towards her. When we was about one meter apart, I sat down.

"Vera, please look at me." I stretched out my hand. "It's okay Vera. I'm not mad, neither are the others. Please believe me."

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