Part Sixteen🤫

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No One POV
"Baby come up here, I miss you" Madelaine whines laying in her bed, Vanessa came back into the room "Madelaine, I just went to the bathroom, which is in the room" Vanessa say laying face down beside her "That was too long" Mads told her "Your cute" Vanessa said "And your hot" Mads said kissing her cheek "Can you take pictures of me for Instagram please?" Mads asked rubbing Nessa's back. Vanessa got up and grabbed Mads phone and they went downstairs to the backyard "Ready?" Vanessa asked and Madelaine nodded. Vanessa started taking pictures and hyping her girlfriend up which Madelaine loved. "God damn you're hot" Vanessa said swiping through the pictures "Thanks babe" she said and kissed her cheek "I'm going to go post them" Madelaine said about to leave "Wait, why can't you stay here?" Vanessa asked "Babe I just have to go" Madelaine said giggling "But I want you" Vanessa flirted "Oh really and how is that" Madelaine asked wrapping her arms around her neck "I want you in every way, mind, body, soul but uh mostly body" Vanessa said smirking and pulling her closer "Ew you did not just take Toni's line" Madelaine said playfully pushing her "I like that line" Vanessa told her "You phrase Toni again and we will not be together anymore" Madelaine said. Vanessa started to pout, walked in the house and plopped down on the couch with her arms folded "Whats wrong with you" Lili asked laughing at the childish girl "She's mad I said if she phrases Toni again I will break up with her" Madelaine told her walking towards the couch "Damn Mads" Camila teases, Madelaine unfolds her girlfriends arms and sits down facing her on her lap "Hey" Madelaine said in a flirty way "Let me make it up to you" Madelaine whispers in her ear, Vanessa starts to squirm on the couch and bites her lip "For real?" She asked "Yea come on" Madelaine told her getting up "That's gross" Camila says turning so her face is in Lili's neck. The two now flustered girls go upstairs to their room.

Camila's face was in Lili's neck and neither one of them knew what to do so Lili was stiff as a board and Camila didn't know how to move, she really wanted to kiss her neck but she didn't want to be embarrassed if Lili rejected her. Camila slowly moved her head away and cleared her throat "We need to talk about this" Lili said "Yea" Camila agreed looking down at the floor, their both silent and then start to speak at the same time "You can go first" Camila says "We kissed" Lili says "Yea I know" Camila tells her "What was it, just a friendly kiss or something more?" She asks "Whatever you want it to be" Camila says "I want it to be more" The blonde girl says "Me too" Camila told her smiling "Was it just me or did you feel weird with your face on my neck" Lili asks "Yea I was nervous, I wanted to kiss you to be honest" Camila tells her "My neck?" Lili smirks, Camila nodded "Why don't you?" She asks, The shorter girl leaned in towards Lili but she was hesitant "It's fine" Lili tells her "You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable" she adds "No I want to" Camila tells her, she takes Lili's chin and pulls it up for better access to her neck and starts kissing it, Camila starts to suck her neck leaving huge hickeys but they didn't think much about it.

"Rent a gay, rent a gay, rent a gay" Trinity dang coming down the steps "Rent a gay?" Chloe asked "Yea, you know the song on tik tok" She said "Renagade" Chloe said laughing "Ohhh that makes more sense" she says kissing her girlfriend, they go into the kitchen and Chloe hops on the counter, Trinity goes between her legs and starts rubbing her thigh getting closer and closer to her area "So maybe later tonight do you wanna-" Trinity was interrupted by Madelaine clearing her throat "Does she want to what?" Madelaine asked "You know watch movies and Uhh cuddle" Trinity said covering it up, Madelaine hit Trinity's hands away from her sisters legs "Um hum sure" Mads said moving her sister off the counter into the floor "Mads!!!" Chloe whined upset her sister interrupted "No don't Mads me" The older redhead told her, Vanessa comes downstairs and holds Madelaine from behind with her hands resting on her area, Madelaine bites her lip "Babe your hands" she said still kinda sore in that area "Sorry" Vanessa smirked "Oh but you two can practically fuck in front of us and we all know y'all just did it upstairs" Chloe teased, Trinity mirrored Vanessa's actions and did the same to Chloe who's eyes went in the back of her head and then she looked shocked as to why she just did that in front of her sister "Get your hands off my sister" Madelaine said "Not unless Vanessa takes her hands off of you" Chloe challenged, Madelaine moved Vanessa so they were no longer touching so Chloe did the same "We have an effect on the Petsch sisters" Vanessa says to Trinity who agrees and they high-five, Both sisters roll their eyes. Mads walks to get something to drink "Y'all definitely did it or Madelaine has a really bad wedgie" Chloe teases her big sister "Oh you little fucker" Mads says, Chloe whispers something in Trinity's ear and she starts blushing but she says 'Okay', the two girls start making out and Trinity picks her up on the counter and begins to play with her zipper on her pants while she kisses Chloe's neck, who is fake but real moaning and rolling her eyes in the back of her head "Ew stop" Madelaine says picking Trinity up off her sister "Gross, I don't want to hear or see my little sister doing that" Madelaine says trying to get the sight out of her brain, Chloe winks at Trinity and bites her bottom lip, Madelaine is fake gagging.
It's night now and everyone but Chloe and Trinity are sleep since Chloe promised her girlfriend they would do it tonight if she started making out with her and helped her mess with Madelaine.

When everyone was awake they ate breakfast and got dressed, which for them was just sweatpants, a shirt or hoodie. Lili and Camila didn't think of the hickeys on their necks and didn't want to put on makeup so they just wore Camila's hoodies and put the hood on "Are you two cold?" Chloe asked them because no one else had a hoodie on "No" They said at the same time "Then take off the hoodie, it's hot in here" Chloe told them "No we're good" Camila said. They were all silent for a few minutes until the girls couldn't take it anymore "It's fucking hot out and you have a hoodie on" Trinity says "Your making me hot" Vanessa tells them "Just take it off, if you don't have a shirt under it then you can go get one" Chloe said "We don't want to" Lili said "Your making me hot" Vanessa said lunging at the girls, Chloe and Trinity doing the same "Take it off!!" Chloe said trying to take it off they finally got the hood off and were trying to take it off without ripping them, they got tired and stopped "Just take it off!" Trinity told them "Damn!!" Chloe said moving their heads so she could see their necks "What?" Madelaine asked now interested in what was happening "Are those hickeys?" Trinity asked "You both have them" Vanessa pointed out "They are freaking huge too" Madelaine added, both girls threw their hoods back on "Its nothing, you probably just hit us when you tried to take our hoodies off" Lili said "Bullshit" Trinity says "We didn't do that" Vanessa says "Wait" Chloe says "Are you two together now?" She asked "No" Camila said "Then what's up with the hickeys, you didn't leave the house to go somewhere to get them" Trinity says "Fine they're hickeys happy?" Lili says "You went at it Camila!" Vanessa said looking at Lili's neck "Cam has small ones" Madeline says teasing Lili "Shut up I tried" Lili told the redhead "Oh so those are definitely your little bite marks" Mads said laughing "Make up would of been better" Trinity told them "Yea it works perfectly because you can't see it if you blend really well..." Chloe said, Everyone was just looking at the two "What?" Trinity asked confused "Shit, we meant we saw it somewhere where they said that" Chloe said trying to defend them "Sure" Vanessa said "Anyways, what's up with you two and don't say nothing" Madelaine asked "We did something one time" Lili said taking off her hooide "Damn!!" Chloe and Trinity say at the same time looking at her chest where there are more hickeys "Did you enjoy it?!" Vanessa asked laughing and Madelaine hit her arm "Camila take off your hoodie" Trinity told her, Camila took it off and there was red hickeys leading from her neck to her chest "I know your pussy hurt" Chloe blurts out, Madelaine hits her back hard and gives her a look "Sorry but I bet it does" she told her "Disband group I want to talk to my best friend thank you" Mads said making everyone but Lili leave.
"Was this a one time thing?" Mads asks "I don't know" she tells her "Do you want it to be a one time thing?" Mads asked "No not at all, I want to be with her and I want to do that again. She asked me permission to kiss her Madelaine she asked permission!!" Lili said gushing over Camila "Awww you really like her" Mads says smiling knowing her best friend is happy "I really do Mads" Lili told her "Then tell her" The redhead said "I didn't know or think Vanessa liked me even though we kissed and stuff before we started dating" She added "I'll tell her eventually but right now I kinda want her to make a move" Lili tells her best friend "Have you met Camila, she will sit there, kiss you and act like y'all are dating but never make it official" Mads told the girl "Yea your right but I just want to see if she will make the move" Lili said "Okay have fun with that babes" Madelaine told her going upstairs to her room.

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