Chapter one

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i sat in the small cell that they placed me in, three years into my twenty year sentence. it has been the same routine every day.

get up, do work around the yard, eat shitty food, free time, bed. i'm sick of the ongoing cycle of death. usually during my free time i work out or play poker with the guys. maybe trade things for cigarettes.

i haven't seen tamara since they placed me in this cell. i miss her smile, and her hugs. i might have seen elijah a few times when we got our free time. even then he didn't say much to me other then;
'hey buddy, how you holding up'

not much you can really say while you're in jail, life really isn't exciting.

a loud banging on the bars of my cell snapped me out of my daze. a guard banged his bat against the bars.

"Come on matthews, lunch time" the guard said to me unlocking the cell door. i stood up off my bed and looked at the other bed across from mine.

i did have a cell mate, but he was a child predator...he didn't last long in the cell with me.
beat him black and blue. pussy bitch.

i walked out to the cell door and walked out next to the guard. he followed behind me as i walked to the cafeteria slowly.

the cafeteria was filled with inmates, it felt like high school again, the jail had their own cliques. at one table sat the murderers, another table the tax crimes and anything to do with money laundering, another table sat the small crimes, like vandalism and illegal drug use. then there was my table. i'm not sure what we are, we've all robbed something.

i walked to the lady behind the glass by the food and held my tray up, she plopped a large scoop of mashed potatoes and corn on my tray along with meatballs and rice.

"you guys got anything that doesn't look it would come alive and eat me" i said to the lunch lady.

she just grunted and glared at me. alrighty then.

i walked to my table and sat next to one of my inmate friends, nick.

"hey Denise" nick said to me as he started to eat his mush on his tray.

"you've been calling me denise ever since i've gotten here, do you even know my real name?" i laugh and look at my food.

nick stops and looks at me "i always thought it was denise..." he said with a mouthful of food.

"wait, really?" i ask honestly surprised. his face fell and he looked slightly nervous.

his nervous face quickly turned into a smile and then a chuckle, he punched my arm slightly "no dean" he said going back at his food again.

i chuckle and glance at my tray. it doesn't look Appetizing at all. "i think i might skip lunch today" i said pushing my tray forward.

the guy across from me looked at me, i think his name is kevin or something.

he grabbed my tray and started eating what was on it. jesus christ.

"have you tried getting any contact with your outside friends?" nick asked me as he shoved a meatball in his mouth.

"no, that one guard...whats his name..?" i thought for a moment "the one with the long beard"

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