Chapter four

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"holy fuck" i mumbled. i started to laugh "how did you even get out!?" i said mid laugh.

he gestured to grayson and isaiah. "these fellas" he said smiling.

i shook my head and looked at them all "god damn..i never thought i'd see you boys again.." my face fell soft.

"oh don't get soft on us kid" isaiah said laughing next to me.

i smiled and looked out the window "what happens if they try to track me down?" i say.

"i doubt they will, they needed to free up space for the cells. they were planning on releasing some people early." grayson said continuing to drive.

"it's crazy how they just let randoms out" i said shaking my head " what now" i add.

"we go back to our place and figure out a plan to get your girl back" isaiah said.

"wait, are you serious?" i said turning to him "we're getting tamara back!?" i shouted.

isaiah just nods. elijah laughs and looks back at me "bro chill out" elijah said. "you'll get laid soon, don't worry" he added.

i laughed "it's not just that, i'm just so excited to see her" i said.

"yeah and so is your di-" isaiah started but grayson cut him off.

"please stop" he said looking in the rear view mirror at us both.

we drove for another hour down the long road. we ended up driving down into the woods down a dirt path. we pulled into a small driveway and parked the car.

a log cabin was just in front of the car. this must've been the place they've been hiding out.

we all climbed out of the car, they threw their masks into the car. grayson locked it and walked forward to the cabin. we all followed behind him.

"this is our hideout" isaiah whispered to me as we walked into the cabin.

as i walked inside my eyes widened, it was one big large room. there was a pool table, flatscreen tv, couches, chairs and more. there was a large set of steps to the right leading up to a balcony overhanging the main room. up top it looked like a few rooms.

" did you guys find this place?" i ask looking around and walking to the pool table.

"my grandfather eddie bought this place a while ago from his crack money and never used it, he gave it to me in his will before he died." grayson said plopping down on the couch and sighing, running his fingers through his hair.

"ah i see" i said running my finger over the rim of the pool table.

a door on my right opened, i guess it was the kitchen. i turned my head to see two girls walk out, wearing stilettos and slick black dresses. one of them had blonde hair and the other black.

"oh yes and these are our girls, mika and iris." grayson said as the blonde hair girl went and sat down slowly onto graysons lap.

the other went over to isaiah and put a hand on his shoulder and planted a kiss on him.

"nice to meet you girls" i said looking at them, they just ignored me and gawked over the guys. i roll my eyes and look at elijah

"they're European so they can't understand a word you say" elijah whispered to me as he chuckled.

"so which one is which?" i ask looking at them both.

"the blonde is mika and the other is iris. they're always with the boys and picking at every little thing on them." elijah replies to me.

i nod and look at them "what a bunch" i whisper to myself and look away when iris starts to fucking devour isaiah.

elijah looked at me "lemme show you around" he said smiling. i shrug and walk with elijah

"sounds great" i say looking at them one last time.

"as you know this is the main room" elijah says to me as he gestured around the room. he started walking to the room that mika and iris came out of. i followed quickly behind.
"this is the kitchen" there was a large island separating the table and the main cooking area.

"fancy" i say looking around, i walk to the fridge and look inside. "oh my god" i say looking at all the food, greens and fruit piled in the fridge, i check the ice box, steaks and other meats. "food that i won't regurgitate!" i say laughing.

elijah laughs "that's what i said when they got me out" he says smiling at me. i look at him.

"how did you get out? i don't remember hearing any alarms, or talk of anyone getting out" i say closing the ice box and turning to him.

"it was a quiet escape, nobody really noticed. when we got you out isaiah accidentally triggered the alarm...fuckhead" he mumbled the last part.

i shook my head. "well i don't know if i told you this yet but... thank you, i'm glad to see you again" i say to him.

"me too buddy" he said smiling "now back to the tour" elijah guided me up the large steps, there was four doors on the balcony level.

"this looked so much smaller on the outside" i said looking around and peaking over the railing.

"that's what she said" elijah laughed. i rolled my eyes and followed him towards a door.
"this will be yours and tamaras room" he said  opening the door.

there was a king sized bed in the middle of the wall, on one side of the bed was a dresser and on the other was a stand with a lamp. i walked inside to see a large tv mounted on the wall.

"wow" i say looking around.

"you got the second best room" elijah said looking at me.

i scan the room one last time before leaving, i close the door behind me.

after showing me the rest of the rooms we went downstairs. grayson was playing pool with isaiah.

mika and iris were peaking over their shoulders. they're so clingy. it's like they never leave their side.

"hey dean, did elijah show you your room?" grayson asked aiming his stick at the ball and hitting it. he stood up straight and looked at me.

"oh yeah it's great, thank you" i say smiling at him.

there was a long moment of silence with quiet music playing in the radio until i spoke up once again.

"so when are we planning on getting tamara?" i ask looking at them all. grayson looked at the two girls and gestured them to leave the room.

they whined but they left and went back into the kitchen.

isaiah and grayson put down the pool stick "here's the plan".

i'm not sure if this is any good or not, but i really hoped you enjoyed it :)

vote and comment luvs <3

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