Meeting Lust (Short Chapter)

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(Idk how interviews work so uh this will be random)

Lust walked into the room and sat down, 

"Hello there!" he said,

"Hello!" Error and Ink said at the same time, 

"Hi!" Dream waved, 

"So, are you good at doing things like cleaning, talking to people, or cooking?" Ink asked,

"Yeah!" Lust said, 

"And you know Error right?" Dream wondered

"Yep! We were friends during school! We still talk sometimes," Lust explained, 

"All of this is true," Error said, Lust, laughed, 

(After like 20 more questions) 

"Ok, I'll call you tomorrow if you get the job!" Ink said,

"Sounds good!" Lust smiled, then the interview was done.

(Sorry about the short chapter! .-.  ) 

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