Nice Kreme

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"Hey Horror, the nice kreme machine doesn't have any nice kreme in it, we need to refill it." Lust said,

"On it mate!" Horror said as he rushed to the freezer "Mate we are out of nice kreme" Horror said,

"I'll tell Ink that I'm going to get more!" Lust said, "Hey Ink, we don't have any more nice kreme, Horror, and I are going to get more. Are there any special flavors we need to get?"

"Just chocolate and vanilla, thanks for telling me!" Ink said,

At the store...

"Hey, mate, can you please tell us where the nice kreme is?" Horror asked,

"Over here!" The guy said,

"Thanks mate!" Horror said

"Yeah, thanks." Lust told the guy but he was already gone.

"How much should we get?" Horror asked,

"Let me text Ink," Lust said,

Lust: Hey Ink, how much nice kreme should we get?

Ink: idk like 4 of each (The containers have a lot of nice kreme)

Lust: Ok thanks,

Ink: Any time :D

Lust grabbed four of each nice kreme flavor "We look weird." Lust said,

"Yeah, it's not every day you see two random people getting tons of nice kreme." Horror said,

"Let's just get back as soon as possible," Lust said, the two went to the self-checkout and checked out. They got back to the restaurant without any problems.

"Hi, Horror hi Lust!" Blue said,

"Oi mate!" Horror said,

"Hello!" Lust greeted "Did any Karens attack?"

"Nope! Not a single one!" Blue cheered,

"That's awsome mate!" Horror said they were gone for twenty minutes and no karens attacked!

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised," Blue said,

"Now let's get back to work mates," 

Fast Food- Another Multiship Story By Crow150XDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora