More Karens

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Blue was working at the drive-through, "This guy ordered an extra-large Fanta," Blue said,

"Ok," Dust answered, he made the extra-large drink and handed it to Blue who in turn gave it to the human, the human looked disgusted by it but didn't complain Blue gave the human a curious look

"Thanks." The human said as he drove off, after giving Blue the money, of course, Blue but the money in the cash register before letting out a sigh of relief.

"I thought that he would be a Karen for a second," Blue said,

"Same," Dust said then someone walked in, they had the typical Karen haircut and Dust could practically read her mind by looking at her.

"I want to speak to your manager," she said,

"Ok, INK WE HAVE SOMEONE!" Dust yelled,

"What's the problem?" Ink calmly walked in he glared at the human,

"My son said that your food made him sick!" She yelled, Ink thought for a moment, who was the worst cook? Then it came to him

"HORROR!" Ink called back,

"Y-yes mate?" Horror stuttered, the Karen glared at Horror, while Horror didn't know what he did wrong

"This person said that her son got sick from our food, do you know anything about this?" Ink calmly asked, Horror franticly shook his head.

"Miss, can you please give us the details of what happened did he throw up? Did he cough and sneeze?" Blue asked, he guessed it was just a coincidence but she didn't need to yell at them though.

"He threw up! Now get that hole head fired!" The Karen yelled, Horror looked sad, you could see Lust watching the Karen, Lust was probably planning to murder her as he was glaring daggers at the Karen, sharp ones too.

"Did he eat anything else that may of upset his stomach?" Ink asked,

"He ordered five nice kremes. AND SOME IDIOTA POSIOND THEM." Karen yelled Ink looked at Nightmare, he didn't know what idiota meant but he knew that it was an insult.

"Dude, your son got sick because of your bad parenting techniques you shouldn't let a kid get five nice kremes, that will make him sick." Dust said, the Karen glared at him and walked away.

"Good job, guys!" Ink cheered

"Thanks, mate!" Horror said then everyone got back to work. Lust could now rest because Horror was in a better mood.

Everything was casual for the rest of the day; everyone was peacefully working without any Karens which, was a record for Ink. Then Dream got sick,

After Dream got sick because I'm not writing about the details because that is gross

"S-sorry Ink." Dream stuttered,

"It's perfectly fine Dream, get some rest you can take tomorrow off to." Ink said

"T-thanks." Dream said, then he walked out.

"I hope he didn't get food poisoning." Killer said,

"I don't think he got food poisoning." Nightmare said, "He didn't eat any of the food here, he probably got sick like that one kid or something. He likes sweets right?" Nightmare said,

"Yep." Killer said,

"Which means he should be fine in the next few hours." Nightmare announced

"You're just trying to take the extra day off away from him aren't you," Ink said, he glared at Nightmare

"N-no just saying." Nightmare said,

Ink nodded and went back to work. It was quiet for the rest of the day.

(I hope you enjoied this chapter! :D )-Crow 

Fast Food- Another Multiship Story By Crow150XWhere stories live. Discover now