The Plan!

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Ideas for this goes to Ink_and_Azzy and Paper Stacks by Bubblyship! It kinda goes to ReginagamerX to!

"Hey um... Blue, I have a question for you," Ink nervously said,

"What is it Ink?" Blue asked Ink became a blushing mess

"So um, I like Error but I'm too shy to tell him so, can you be my fake boyfriend until Error makes his first move?" Ink shyly asked,

"Sure! Uh, wanna go on a date in that one cool park or something?" Blue asked, making sure that Error could hear him, well only the part where Ink said yes.

"Of course!" Ink said, he was slightly blushing.

"Can we go after work?" Blue asked,

"Yeah! Let's go to Sancest park!" Ink said,

"Sounds good to me!" Blue said Ink nodded and got to work, Ink was cooking while Blue was upfront. When he was upfront he rubbed his hands together evil, like a supervillain in 99% of movies.

"Blue, what are you doing?" Dust suddenly asked

"Washing my hands?" Blue lied,

"Ohhh ok, that makes sense now!" Dust said,

No one suspected a thing.

Error's gonna be jealous when he finds out-Crow 

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