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Ink woke up (Late) and got ready for work, like usual then when he got into his car he got a call, or the 15th one because he missed all of the other calls.

"Hello! This is Ink! The manager of Light Sides! How may I help you?" Ink asked, not realizing that Dream was calling him.

"INK! T-THE RESTAURANT! THERE'S A F-FIRE!" Dream yelled into the phone, "YOU NEED TO GET OVER HERE!"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Ink said, by the time Dream said fire Ink was already speeding to his restaurant,

By the time Ink got there all of his employees were there, except two.

"I-I'm sorry that I'm late! Is everyone ok?!" Ink panicked,

"Everyone is here- wait Blue! Blue's in there!" Dust yelled, without thinking, he ran in.

"DUST NO!" Everyone yelled, but it was too late Dust had already run in.

A few minutes passed, but nobody came,

10 minutes passed,

Dust ran out, holding an unconscious Blue, followed by a hurt Lust, who must have gotten trapped while trying to save Blue.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Nightmare yelled,

"I needed to save him!" Dust said

"Lust! Why where you in there! I saw you come out!" Horror said,

"Blue was trapped! SO I went back! Then I got trapped! How could you forget TWO of your co-workers, one of them being your boyfriend!" Lust asked,

"G-Guys, let's just all calm down, e-everything is crazy and e-everyone was focused on saving t-themselves and if they had t-time everyone else, m-monsters are like that." Dust said,

"T-true, sorry mate." Horror said,

"It's fine." Lust said,

the two were cut off by the sound of a fire truck, but they were too late. The restaurant had already burned down.

The vote is tied! Tomorrow will be the final! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D -Crow 

Fast Food- Another Multiship Story By Crow150XWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt