Dream is Back!

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I'm running out of ideas for this story, please help .-.

"Hi Dream!" Killer said, he rushed over to Dream and hugged him,

"Oh! Uh, hi Killer!" Dream said, he slightly blushed as he did not expect Killer to hug him. But Dream enjoyed the hug anyway.

"Uh sorry, that was awkward." Killer said, he slightly blushed, realizing what he had just done in front of the entire workplace some of the customers might have seen that.

The two skeletons talked for a few minutes before going over to the kitchen to work.

Blue and Nightmare were upfront this time, Blue was exited out of his mind, same as Nightmare.

"Did you see that? I say the Kreme is cannon!" Blue cheered,

"Yeah, our first ship is canon! So, what ship are we doing next?" Nightmare asked,

"Errink or Afterdeath, we can work on Crossmare and Dustberry any time we want," Blue said, he wanted to work on Aftedeath more because that would be harder to make cannon

"I say we do Afterdeath" Nightmare told Blue,

"Ok!" Blue said, then Dream rushed in, he was exited

"BLUE A NEW EPISODE OF THAT COOL SHOW JUST CAME OUT!" I just finished watching Animosity. It was awesome. Go watch Glitchtale if you haven't yet it's cool.

"Wait what?" Blue said the show was called Glitchtale because the author just finished watching Animosity. (Fixes 4th wall.)

"YEAH!" Dream said,

"Let me guess, someone, dies." Nightmare said.

"It's Glitchtale, what do you think?" Dream said, then he walked off and told everyone else.

"Uh, hello! Can I have a nice kreme please?" Someone suddenly asked,

"Sure! That would be... two dollars!" Blue said,

"Ok!" The person said, he handed Blue two dollars.

"It seems like it's going to snow," Blue told Nightmare,

"How do you know what it looks like? But there's going to be a snowstorm later, I'll go tell Ink." Nightmare said, then he walked off and told Ink,

"Oh... we should close then. I don't want to stay here overnight." Ink said, then they closed down everything, then they all left. 

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