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Shoutout to @Akelia_RB for the idea!

It was a normal day until a Karen came in.

"Hello! Welcome to Light Sides, how may I help you today?" Blue asked,

"I want a burger please." She told Blue,

"That will be four dollars please!" Blue told the lady,

"THE BURGER IS TWO DOLLARS!" The Karen yelled,

"S-sorry I s-some told me that i-it changed to f-four," Blue said,


"O-ok!" Blue ran over to Ink and told him what happened,

"The prices didn't change," Ink said,

"I-I thought that t-they did I'm so s-sorry Ink!" Blue said,

"It's okay, we can talk about this later." Ink said as he went up to the Karen, "Listen, it appears

that there was an accident and the prices didn't change, we were thinking about changing them so someone must have told Blue that they did, calm down." Ink said,

"NO, THAT BLUE IDIOT DESERVES TO BE FIRED!" Karen yelled Blue started crying

"Hey, you." A voice said, "Don't talk to Blue like that, I heard someone say that he told Blue about the price change that was Dream, who thought that the prices did change, before you came he was going to tell Blue about his mistake so this didn't happen, do you know how easy it is to change to price? If you're going to talk like that then leave now." Dust growled.


"Ink, I'll call security, I'm sorry about telling Blue I thought that the prices changed!" Dream said he called security and the Karen left,

"Are you okay Blue?" Dust asked,

"Y-yeah." Blue stammered

"Listen, it's not your fault, it was no one's fault Dream just thought that the prices charged so he told you." Dust explained,

"Ok," Blue said,

With Ink and Error,

The two were in the supply closet, they were about to go out when...

"Error? The door's locked. And I forgot the spare key." Ink said, "And I'm cold." He added,

"Oh no, uh here you can borrow my jacket and I know that there's another spare key in a box on the top shelf." Error said,

"Uh, you know I'm short right?" Ink said,

"Get on my shoulders, then we should be able to reach it." Error said.

"This will be awkward but ok." Ink said, he got on Error's shoulders and they got the key.

"Let's go now, today has been waaaaay to crazy!" Error said, Ink nodded and they went out. 

Fast Food- Another Multiship Story By Crow150XWhere stories live. Discover now