Coffee Jokes

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Warning: Bad jokes ahead.

It has been a day after the Karen incident, Ink let Blue take a day off

"No, it's fine, it was just one person," Blue said,

"Ok, but if you change your mind just tell me." Ink calmly said,

"Ok," Blue nodded the next day he showed up,

"Hello, Dust!" Blue said,

"Hey Blue!" Dust waved, they chatted for a moment before going to the kitchen

"Are you okay after... yesterday?" Dust asked,

"I'm fine! It was only one person!" Blue treasured,

"Ok, hopefully, she won't come back." Dust said,

"Yeah," Blue said

With Reaper and Geno...

"Hey, Geno..." Reaper said,

"What is it Reaper?" Geno snapped,

"What do you call a sad cup of coffee?" Reaper asked,

"What is it?" Geno asked,

"A Depresso," Reaper said,

"That was decent, try again." Geno scoffed,

"Okay, why did the coffee file a police report?" Reaper asked,

"I'm waiting..." Geno said, impatiently tapping his foot

"It got mugged," Reaper said,

"Good job, that was a good one," Geno admitted

"I knew it! You like me!" Reaper said,

"I don't like you! I just thought the joke was good!" Geno said,

"That's rude, but you liked the joke so it's fine kind of," Reaper said,

"Ugh, let's just get to work." Geno scoffed.

You could hear Blue in the background, groaning each time Reaper made a bad joke or pun. 

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