Ch. 34 More Than Just the Benefits

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Ray limped through the front door and collapsed on the sofa. Hugging herself, she grinned, stretching her aching face muscles. She'd been grinning all day since....

Well, she'd been grinning for half the day. And it wasn't over yet.

Lokela had dropped the ladies off at the store, and then drove her home before going back. Before she'd gotten out, he caught her shirt to yank her back in for a kiss. "I haven't forgotten that you want to be alone with me."

"Me neither," she said. "I'll see you when you finish work. Try not to be too mad at Miller. He's still your brother."

"Got it. Flip off Miller for you. See you in an hour or so."

She squeezed herself tighter at the thought of what he was going to do the second he could be alone with her...

"Hey," Felipe said, walking in. "Some guy came by the house asking if you were here."

"I was at work," she said. "Who was it?"

He shrugged, shook his head, and wandered back into the kitchen.

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know," she called. No one was around. She sniffed her armpit. Could be worse. It could be better, though. Especially if she was going to be visiting Lokela in his room later.

A frisson traveled up her spine as Princess Sparkles woke up. She closed her legs, willing the aching longing to calm down. It wasn't time yet. A couple of the guys—Casey and Hugh—had already left town to return home to see family. Heavy footsteps and banging upstairs told her that some of the others were home. She stood, and at that moment, the shower turned on.

That meant she would have to wait for hers. Or, she could use the outdoor one. She lugged her bag up the stairs, but paused before taking a towel and her toiletries. She checked her phone. What guy would come by the house looking for her?

For the strangest reason, the first guy she thought of was Zach. But he was in California until after Christmas for the spring semester. Her phone didn't have any new messages from him since he broke up with her. She tossed it on her bed and headed for the shower in the back yard. There was an unoccupied/occupied sign to flip that none of the roommates ever used, but that Doug had made for her just in case. Today, she would use it.

She stepped in the wooden stall and stripped. The water was cold, it was the only temperature available, and it was heaven on her sun and heat-baked skin. She led the cool rivulets slide down from the top of her head, sighing in happiness. After a minute of bliss, she ran her hands over body to get off any clinging sand. Her hand paused at her breast. Cupping the underside, she tried to imagine what Lokela felt when he did that to her. She pinched her nipple between thumb and forefinger and the pleasure pain shot through her belly, heating her up again.

A scuff from behind her sounded. "Ray?" a husky voice asked.

She spun, covering herself with her hands as best she could. Lokela stood at the entry, mouth half open, staring at her hard enough to light a fire.

"You scared me!" she cried. "You're supposed to knock."

"I know." He took a step inside, the shower spray hitting his tee shirt. "But I knew it was you."

She swallowed. He must have seen her touching herself. How embarrassing.

"Do it again. The thing you were doing." He stepped closer, crowding her space. His shirt and shorts were getting soaked, while she was completely naked and soaked.

"What do you mean?" she asked, backing up the wall.

He blocked her in with an arm on either side of her. His gaze raked up and down her body, burning every inch. She squirmed as her nipples tightened and heat pooled between her legs.

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