• Five •

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What is this place?

Promise me.


Promise me you won't be afraid. Promise me and I shall tell you.

I promise

Welpppp here is yet another chapter for you guys. Go procrastination.


I stared wide eyed at the boy in front of me.
"Lloyd Garmadon are you following me?" I cross my arms and look his way.

Okay he's cute and all but if he is going to stalk me, that will be a huge red flag and maybe I need to rethink my life decisions.
"I swear to god Y/N, I literally just came to buy comics. How was I supposed to know you would come here at the same time as me? I didn't even know you liked comics!" Lloyd raised his hands us, kind of scared at the fact that he happened to show up at Doomsday Comics right when I walked in to the store.
I sighed while shaking my head. "Uff you dummy. Don't do that to me. I started to think you're a creep!" I winked at him and ruffled his hair.
I walked on towards the shelves, leaving blondie standing there like a gawking idiot. A cute one nevertheless.
"Well are you going to give me company or no?" I asked over my shoulder, my words making him crack out a smile and jog in my direction.

"So Mr.Garmadon, what is your favourite comic universe?" I asked while flipping through some seemingly interesting comics and checking their price tag, absentmindedly glancing at the taller boy once or twice.
Maybe a few times more.
He tilted his head slightly, resting his chin on his hand while his finger tapped his skin while he pondered on the question.
"Favourite you say... well I am an honest sucker for the the marvel series. Especially spiderman. He's just... damn." He shoved his hand in his pocket while grabbing one of the spider man comics and holding it up the his face. The cover was of the said superhero's mask, which made it look kind of like Lloyd was wearing it.
His childish behaviour made me giggle internally.
"Are you gay for spiderman Lloyd?"
I didn't even think while speaking, but as soon as the words left my mouth I looked at him in shock.
His carefree expression calmed me down. I hadn't offended him so that's a plus.
"Yes I am totally gay for his brown hair and his brown eyes and the thwip! Thwip!" Lloyd did the classic spiderman web shooting move, aiming towards the ceiling. This boy was a package of entertainment.
"You're not actually gay right?" okay now why did I ask that?
Maybe to make sure that I actually had a chance with this goofball.
Maybe I am actually starting to fall for him.

He caught my eyes and he definitely saw the hidden meaning behind my seemingly casual question.
Darn my emotion showing face.
His smile crooked towards one side.
Suddenly the playful baby in front of me turned into this hot creature smirking down at my nimble being.
"Any particular reason why you want to know, Y/N?" the way he mockingly laid stress on my name, it sent my mind into overdrive.
I turned my head, finding interest in the carpet floor, my lower lip caught between my teeth in an instinctive move. Definitely my face was red right now.
I peeked to the side, still seeing him towering over me, his hot gaze setting my skin on fire.
Damn. He's just looking at me.

"Well I have my reasons." Confidence where you at? I replied trying to sound cOnFiDeNt but that plan chickened out and I stuttered, very well revealing my liking.
God why do you do this to me at the worst of times?

"Well I'm straight. Except for spiderman. Then I'm gay." He joked, playful words slipping through his lips and calming me from my very weirdly turned on state, why does the human body work like so?
"My favourite thing about the spiderman story, is the part where he kisses M.J. after saving her. The upside down kiss. I wish to be kissed like that someday."
Thank you god for playing the uno reverse card.
Now it was Lloyd, flushed face and all.
His hand found it's resting place on the back of Lloyd's neck, rubbing nervously as he mentally blasted himself with energy orbs for saying that.
Oh. So this is his weakness.
He wants a spiderman kiss.
Talking about kissing set off bubbles popping in my belly.
What if someday, that could be me? Is that maybe asking for too much?
I smiled to myself and looked at him. "Someday.." a subconscious whisper dropped from my mouth.
Lloyd definitely heard it and I started to register what I said.

• Two Sides of Him • Lloyd • {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now