• Eight •

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Lmao this chapter is like really really short. Well cuz it's only one scene and I wanted to finish writing this off so that I could get to the better parts of the story. Yeah I am weird. Yeah one more thing. I'm gonna make the chapter dividers a bit clearer, I kinda didn't do that in the previous chapters. Anyway go on reading!

//Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber-I DONT CARE//

Lloyd being the lazy ass he is, summoned his elemental dragon to reach the monastery as fast as he could. His head was flooding with questions, not only for Wu, but also a few for Ronin.
He tugged at the reigns of the magnificent beast, sending him speeding through the night sky. He looked down at the dots of light streaming across the roads. Cars and bikes and all of the sort.
He snorted arrogantly. No traffic problems for the green ninja.

The teenage boy could see his second home in a distance, the monastery lay out proudly in a large clearing in the forrest, not too far from the city. There weren't many people who knew of the location of the said building, for it was sealed deep in the woods, enchanted to only be visible to those who posses elemental powers and a few disciples who had pledged their being to stay faithful to the masters.
Lloyd wasn't exactly sure of that idea, because elemental masters could also turn against the ninja and attack the monastery. And obviously, there were other elemental masters apart from them, right? (Reminder this is pre season 4 so they don't know about other elemental masters)
But Wu said it had to be this way, and Wu's word was law in the monastery. Lloyd shook his head, shaking himself out of distracting thoughts.
Right now he had to focus every ounce of his being in one direction. Who is Y/N and what is that weird feeling he constantly has about her?

The dragon roared slightly, alerting those in the monastery of the arrival of the green ninja.
As he landed in the outdoor training area Kai, Misako, Garmadon and Wu stepped outside to greet him.
Wow, everyone really wanted to talk to him huh.
His dragon puffed away in green mist and he steadied himself in the grounds.
"What's with the welcome party? I literally just went to a friend's house." Lloyd scoffed.
"Yeah friend." Kai teased and nudged Lloyd while they walked into the monastery, passing various rooms on their way to wu's meditation room.
"Ronin will be here soon. He also has something to discuss on the matter." Wu lead the group down the halls. His voice was calm but still had an edge to it, as if he had been bottling up something for so long and it was time to speak it out.

The monastery was pretty quiet because everyone had either gone back home, or went to their respective rooms to retire for the night. The only sounds that echoed through the monastery were the sounds of the waterfall in the garden and the splashing of the hot spring water. The garden with the hot spring was one of Lloyd's favourite places in the monastery, apart from the kitchen where Zane cooks.
The springs were were he would go to calm down after a tough day. He would just sink into the water and relax himself.
Lloyd brought himself to the now.

"The matter? What matter?" Lloyd asked while slipping into the room, seating himself in the mat in front of the incense sticks, which Wu said could tell the future. The smokey aroma of Jasmine filled the room as Wu took a seat in front of Lloyd.
The wooden walls were where sensei Wu displayed some of his father's swords and staffs. He also had a scroll rack in the back of the room. Garmadon had told Lloyd that those were the most important scrolls left under Wu's protection and maybe one day the duty would be handed over to Lloyd.

"Lloyd...have you noticed anything special about Y/N?" Wu asked and then went on to murmur a spell of some sorts. Probably something that activated the future telling power of the smoke.
Lloyd furrowed his eye brows, turning around to see his parents and best friend looking at him with unreadable faces.
His gaze slipped back to his master.
"Yes sensei. Her- her eyes. They're almost magical. They can change colour and it's as if- as if she can command my emotions through some sort of sorcery. I can't even explain what it is doing to me. At times I feel so numb, and then suddenly, I'm flooding with emotions." Lloyd's hands trembled as he recalled a few experiences he had with Y/N. Some were quite amazing, but like the time she got so mad at Chen and Brad, Lloyd felt paralysed.
He lost control over his body, his heart rate fluctuated tremendously, he felt as if he was on the verge of dying.

• Two Sides of Him • Lloyd • {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now