Chapter 8

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Zen jogged towards Ha Eun, taking her hand with him. He pulled her to go inside.

"What are you doing out here? Let's get inside, you'll be sick.", Zen said worried.

Ha Eun stood her ground and in the other hand, pulled Zen back.

"No, stay here."
"What's wrong?"

Zen doesn't really like the melancholic look in Ha Eun's face.

"You know, how did we end up here?", said Ha Eun.
"What do you mean end up?"

The night just become colder for Zen as he felt chills down his spine. Is this the talk? He surely doesn't like the sound, the sentences and the look at Ha Eun's face. She hasn't met his eyes once, only kept her focus on the building

"The first time we met. What do you think if I didn't say yes when Jumin asked if I wanted to see you or not? What do you think if I hadn't agreed to go to Rika's apartment in the first place? Can you believe it, all the things in the universe that happened, guides us here? What if the universe just missed one turn? What happened if I turn left when I am supposed to turn right? Do you still think I'll be here with you?"

Zen places his hand on Ha Eun's face, turning her face towards him, meeting that beautiful eyes directly.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't join RFA, I believe I will find you. In one way or another, we'll be here. We'll be together.", said Zen.

Ha Eun moved closer and surround him with a tight embrace. Zen replied even tighter. He felt like an idiot for worrying about Ha Eun trying to break up with him. It is rare for her to be sentimental.

"But I know, it's your period, and it's your hormones doing the talking, that's why you're this sentimental.", said Zen.

Zen gives a grin to Ha Eun who looked at him with both disbelief and a small laughter. Is there anything he doesn't know about her?

"What, don't you like it when I'm all sentimental and romantic?"
"It's usually you that is on the receiving end of my romanticism. Let's keep it that way."

The two entered the apartment with happy faces.


Bang! Bang!

The party popper rained confetti on Yoosung's head. It was Seven's idea of bringing a party popper. Jumin made up his mind if the owner of the place demanded they clean every bits of the confetti, they'll just leave Seven behind.

"Congratulations of your graduation, Yoosung!"

They celebrated Yoosung's graduation with dinner at a grill restaurant. A place Chairman Jumin never steps his foot into.

"Our Yoosung is an adult now!", Seven said.
"Yes, now you have more responsibilities.", continued Jaehee.
"No more LOLOL!", exclaimed Zen.

Yoosung's happy face turned into a frown because of his 'seniors' and their advices.

"Look, you made him sad.", said Ha Eun.
"I just graduated! I need to have some fun!", said Yoosung.
"Fun is when you have already succeeded.", said Jumin.

The talks continue around the sound of sizzling meat and the smoke arising from it.

"But really, did you have a place you would like to work at?", asked Ha Eun.
"There is this cool pet clinic, they're very modern and advanced. But I'm a bit afraid that they won't want some newbie like me."
"You wouldn't know before you tried!", said Zen.
"Or, you could ask Jumin to hire you and become Elizabeth 3rd private vet.", said Seven.

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