Chapter 16

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Seven has been tracing Ha Eun's phone location. They went to the apartment, and moved out not long after.
Maybe the person is not home?
Nothing happens right?

Seven has ordered her to call if something happened. She didn't.
So, everything's fine right?


Jumin had assigned Driver Kim to be Ha Eun's personal driver. Since he used to be Jumin's bodyguard, he should've been enough for Ha Eun. Jumin took this as a precaution so that nothing happens to Ha Eun. If something were to happen to Ha Eun whilst on Jumin's care, the whole RFA would gang up against him.

As the car speeds through the road, Driver Kim glanced at his passenger. Ha Eun was constantly trying to call Zen.

"He's on his meet-and-greet, he won't pick up."
"We'll be there soon, Miss."

Suddenly her phone rings. Seven.

"Everything's fine right?"
"No, I'm on my way to the venue. That fan, she's gone mad. She's going to kill Hyun oppa!"
"What? What do you mean?", asked Seven.
"I have to go. I'll call you later!"

Seven dropped everything and grabbed one of his car keys. He ignored Vanderwood calling out to him.

Driver Kim stopped the car at the convention hall lobby. A movie with Zen as one of the lead was premiering and having meet and greet there.

"They should all be inside.", said Driver Kim.
"I'll go inside to find her. Please wait before approaching her, if she knows we're coming for her, she might run away."
"Are you sure, Miss?"
"It'll be fine. I'll talk to her."

Ha Eun has etched the girl's face into her mind during the ride here. She will find her, even among a sea of people. Driver Kim opened the gate to the hall. There was no staff outside since the event already started. Ha Eun dives into the crowd while Driver Kim waits near the corner.

She scanned the faces of so many girls in that place. Zen was upstairs in the podium with the other casts, happily greeting fans, accepting letters and gifts. But that comes later.

She found her!
Ha Eun grabs the girl's arm.

"You.....", the girl mumbled in surprise.

The crowd were too focused on the stars at the stage to notice the two women that seemed to be having a hostile conversation.

"I know you're disappointed. You're scared, but you're mistaken! Zen loves all his fans equally. Whether you are new or old, he loves you all the same, because you supported him. That is what important. Even when he has me, the love he had for you, his fans will not change even the slightest bit. Don't do this.", Ha Eun said.

The girl looked down and grabbed her bag that she sling-ed in front of her.

"You don't understand! You won't understand because you have him all for yourself!"

Ha Eun was too focused on the girl that she didn't see her hand going inside her bag.



With a loud scream, Driver Kim pushes into the crowd.

"What was that?", Zen asked.

The casts glances at each other.
The crowd started to look onto their backs, where the scream started.

Zen instinctively jumped over the table and hopped down into the floor, much to the surpise of the event staff. Something about it makes him feel uneasy.
He traces through the crowd that was encircling something.

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