Chapter 17

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"Give me this piece."

Zen cut the big piece of meat into two and scooped them together carefully with rice and then fed them to Ha Eun. While Zen's at it, Ha Eun might as well be little bit picky. He won't get angry after all.
Zen had not let Ha Eun move a single muscle. When her hair gets in the way of her eating her breakfast, Zen tied her bangs up in a bun. When she took them off and they went crazy curly, Zen carefully combed them over. When a piece of food fell inside her top, Zen (happily) picks them up and eats it himself. When she wants to brush her teeth, Zen insists on bringing the bathroom to her: cups, water basin and all, he even insisted on doing it.

Yoosung dropped by again in the morning before going to his workplace. The first he wants to do was to hug Ha Eun out of worry, but not before Zen stopped him first.

"No touching, Yoosung, you'll open up the wound!", said Zen.
"Don't listen to him, he's just being paranoid.", replied Ha Eun.
"No, it's safety precaution!"

Yoosung laughed at the two, he was amazed at how positive they were even in such situations. His goal is to be like them some day. Yoosung then have breakfast together with the two. At least Ha Eun can take a break from the overly protective Zen.

"I was really shocked when Jaehee suddenly logs in and told me about it.", said Yoosung.
"Can you imagine how I feel?!", yelled Zen.
"You are truly a daredevil, Ha Eun."

Ha Eun just smiled awkwardly to the two men.

Zen doesn't even leave Ha Eun to go the toilet, he waited when Yoosung came. Worse was when he called for the nurse in the morning and ordered the nurse to stay and watch Ha Eun while he take a quick shower. Ha Eun swears the nurse looked like she wanted to beat the living daylight out of Zen until he stops being such a paranoid man.

When it was time to change the dressing, the nurse closed the curtains and told Zen to go out. Zen wanted to stay, because well he's seen more than that. But he still leave, before the nurse really beats him.

Eat, talk, sleep, and repeat.

Until its lunch time again.

"So, can you tell me what did you while I'm away?", asked Zen.
"I did a lot of things actually.", answered Ha Eun after gulping down her food.
"I just keep working, it's no fun without you."
"So, first things first. I quit my old job and got the new position."

Zen's eyes changed into sparkles. Their long ordeal was not for nothing.

"Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.", said Zen,"... I want to hug you tight and throw you around, but I shouldn't."
"That's why I was thinking of surprising you in the meet and greet but who knows this'll happen. And I actually quit several weeks ago so I had a lot of time in my hand. I went to places and I feel bad for keeping Driver Kim busy all the time."

Zen scooped another rice with soup and fed it to himself this time. Ha Eun never finishes her meal due to the portion so it's his job to clean it up.

"I bought a lot of clothes, regretfully.", Ha Eun said.
"You shopped again? And a lot?"

Ha Eun gave an apologetic smile towards the surprised Zen.

"How are you supposed to fit them all now?"
"... Somehow?"

Zen gave a hopeless sigh and continued chewing his food. But Zen looked at the bright side, at least she went out for a stroll rather than locking herself up at home feeling lonely all the time. Even though he is jealous that he couldn't accompany her.

"But there's something more too.", said Ha Eun.
"I...I kind of bought you a....."
"A what?", asked the curious Zen.
"A piano!"

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