Chapter 10

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"Hey do you mess with Choi Kyungju's work again now?"

Zen asked the watchful Jumin as some staff members replace the set décor. He took a distance from where Jumin and Elizabeth 3rd is.

"Choi Kyungju, Echo Girl!"
"Ah, why would I, do I look like I have a lot of free time in my hand?", asked Jumin.

Zen looked up and down at Jumin who is playing with Elizabeth 3rd, watching as the white cat purrs and rolls under Jumin's hand.

"Uhh, yes."

Jumin replied with an angry glare. Maybe if he didn't push all work to Jaehee, Zen would've said the otherwise.

"Besides, what does she has to say now? You defeated her once, you can defeat her again. Even though it's been months ago, the case is still an embarrassment for her.", said Jumin.
"I won't worry if she directed her anger towards me. But she saw Ha Eun a while ago."
"Ha Eun? Do you think your woman would flicker in front of her?"
"No, no, of course. I think she triumphed beautifully. But I'm just worried you know, I don't want her to get into problems because of me.", said Zen.


Zen looked up, that sneeze was familiar. It's Ha Eun's. Is he dreaming?


"Jumin, I think I heard Ha Eun.", said Zen.
"I know you missed her. It's your mind playing tricks."


"Are you alright? You two even share the same allergy!", Jaehee said between small giggles.

Ha Eun took another piece of tissue to cover her nose.

"I didn't think it would be this bad."
"Well, we've been using this same studio for quite a while and there are a lot of other cats other than Elizabeth 3rd going in and out, so I didn't think the cleaning was done very thorough as well."

"Oh it's really you! My mind and my heart can already tell your presence even before I see you!"

The whole studio just shifted their gaze to the 2 new people coming in. Then to Zen that hurried over. Ha Eun felt like hiding her red face, that cringe-inducing boyfriend sometimes...

'Who is that?' 'Is it Zen's girlfriend?' 'For real?'

Ha Eun can already feel the murmurs as Zen jogged towards her. He looked as happy as a kid, she wanted to laugh at his face.

"Surprise, I come to visit....."

Before Ha Eun can finish her sentence, Zen pulled her into a tight embrace and place a deep kiss on her lips. He smiled his most charming smile when he pulled away.

"It's nice showing off, doesn't it?", he said.
"Hey, people are watching!", Ha Eun said in a low tone.

Jumin appeared carrying Elizabeth 3rd, looking displeased at the show of affection.

"Mind you, this is a public place.", said Jumin.
"Why, I just missed my girlfriend, that's it!"


Ha Eun let out another allergic sneeze, Zen immediately moves between Jumin and Ha Eun, shielding her from Jumin.

"Jumin, get away! Ha Eun's allergic, you know.", exclaimed Zen.

Zen covered Ha Eun with his body again until Jumin let a staff take Elizabeth 3rd away.
Jaehee was frozen in her place. She felt like she had seen the replay of Zen's drama.

"No wonder I haven't seen Jaehee since morning. You've planned this.", said Zen.

Jaehee, with her face all red, snapped back into reality.

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