Chapter 42

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"Are you sure?" Fury asks me. I feel everyone's gaze burn into me.

"Sure that he's recovering?" I ask. He nods. "Yes, absolutely. We have made progress. It's slow, but it's progress." I say certainly. I have to make it seem like I know what I'm doing. There can't be any wondering. I'm representing Loki to Fury, to the council, and to the Avengers.

"The incident last week suggests that there isn't as much progress as you claim, Miss..." The councilwoman says, asking my surname.

"Just Serendipity," I tell her. "There is progress. Every day I see more of him. He's fighting another consciousness for control, and sometimes he loses. With all due respect, ma'am," I tell her, stern and annoyed. "Kicking someone else out of your head isn't really an exact science."

The holographic woman nods, writing something down.

"Director Fury," She says. "Do you agree with Ms-" She catches herself. "Serendipity's assessment?"

I look at Fury, who hasn't said anything the whole meeting, aside from introductions.

"Yes. Miss Dipity has handled this better than any of my people ever could." He says, not even glancing at me. I smile, my chest swelling with pride. I didn't know until just now how much I needed that reassurance. I'm doing okay. It's nice to hear someone say it, because I'm pretending to know. No one happens to know how the hell to do this. It isn't necessarily surprising, per se, but that doesn't mean it isn't frustrating.

One of the male council members starts interrogating me.

"What exactly is your plan for if he continues to not get a grip on reality?" He asks me, annoyed.

"Well, I'm hoping that-"

"Heck, what's your plan for helping him get a grip on reality in the first place!" He cries, throwing his hands up.

"Currently I'm focusing on helping him sort out memories from-"

"Are you sure that she's the most qualified person for this position?" He asks Fury. "She's just a child!" He says, ignoring me. That is the last straw.

"Will you shut up for one minute, sir, and let me speak?" I ask him, similar to how Fury does. "First off, if he doesn't get a grip, we have already decided to send him back to Asgard for them to contain." I say. He opens his mouth, most likely to yell at me again. I hold up a shushing finger.

"I wasn't done. Second, I am currently working on helping him sort out what memories are real, which ones are altered, which never happened, and what did happen." I tell him, making eye contact with that man and no one else.

"Third, I am the most qualified person for this position due to my previous relationship with Loki, and due to my experience with him as he was exposed to the staff. And fourth," I say, articulating carefully.

"I am not a child. I am old enough to be your great-grandmother's grandmother. I was alive when Marco Polo first visited China, and I narrowly missed meeting Gengis Khan, so if anyone should be treated like a child, it should be me treating you as such." I shout at him. The moment the words leave my mouth I fear I overstepped my bounds. Everyone looks to Fury, wondering what he'll say.

"Hey," He throws his hands up in uninvolvement. "Everything she said is true. It would probably benefit you to be polite to Miss Dipity unless you want to wake up at the bottom of the ocean," Fury suggests, smirking.

The councilman opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out. After a moment, head councilwoman speaks again.

"Very well. The council recognizes Serendipity's capabilities, and will continue to allow her to attempt to aid Loki until such a point that she deems it time for him to return off-world, or we deem that he is too much of a danger to be kept under her care." She declares before ending the call.

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