Chapter 11

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At the Bergen town tunnels:

Creek walked to the clouds, head down.


"Yeah, I did. I wish there was something......I walked for a bit and I'm starting to feel's nothing in me....
.I can't concentrate myself anymore, I can't medithate, nothing is coming to my mind....I was so eagre to this that I lost control....." The ocean haired troll went.

"Oh, that's called "emotionnal numbness", my friend. If you feel like this in a world like that, then I don't know what can help you with that. You totally lost yourself."

"Okay........what should I do now?" Creek asked.

"Like I said, nothing, really." Cloud Guy replied.

The ocean haired troll sighed and walked towards the forest.

Cybil watched him go from a tree. She hung down in front of him. "Hey........are you alrigh?" She asked.

"Appearantly, I lost myself, Cybil." The ocean haired troll said.

The long lime haired troll sighed and looked down.

The purple eyed troll tossed her by the hair.

She noticed the burned strands on the pop trolls's hair.

"What is that??"

"I deserved that. My hair isn't as long as it was, I don't think it ever will be..."

At the main meeting pod:

All leaders were on stage, waiting for the announcement.

Julian cleared his throat. "Okay!....." He adjusted the mic on his ear. "Attention everyone! Here are the 5 pop troll participants of tonight's show!" He said as he took the paper. "Lilac, Lee, Lavender, Jonas and Tris!!" The purple troll said.

"YAAY!!" Tris squealed.

"Yeah, baby!" Lilac said.

"YEAH!!" Lee said.

"Woo!!" Jonas said.

Lavender smiled widely.

"We're meeting backstage, be ready!!" The purple techno troll said.

The 5 participants went towards the auditorium.

Lee and Tris chatted as they walked.

Jonas and Lilac were running after each other like trollings, laughing.

Lavender smiled at her friends. She loved listening to others rather than talk, diffrently from a lot of others. Despite that, she could ramble for hours about what she loves.

The girls came from left and boys from right.
"Tonight is the night!(Masked singer bnebwhjehejebhdjehdjkdiekwnshskwplqns Nick Cannon is such a great host!!!!) You're performing on the biggest stage of Trollstopia!" Julian floated to them. "Everything ready Darnell??"

"Yep man!" D's blue paw came out of the curtains in a thumbs-up.

"Okay, the staff is ready. Are you?"

All nodded to each other. The leaders came behind the curtains to greet them.

" Hey!! Are you ready for tonight??" The soon-to-be pop king asked.

"Yeah!!" The turcoise pop troll said.

"Yes!!" The dark blue nozed troll said.

"Yep!" The dark purple haired troll answered.

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