Ch. Three

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Chloe sat in the flat. She sat with her head in her hands. Chloe was annoyed at herself, she couldn't believe how she had ended up kissing Sami. She knew that she was with warren ,they were a family and she knew they had their issues lately but they were happy.

They had teddy together. Chloe knew that the last thing that she wanted to do was build the family that she had build with warren for teddy.

Chloe smiled as the door opened as warren walked in with teddy, teddy ran over to chloe and smiled as Chloe pulled her close

"hi baby, did you have a good dad with daddy?"

"I did, daddy take me to da oo " teddy said as Chloe looked to teddy and smiled

"mummy will put you some cartoons on, okay" Chloe said as teddy nodded. Chloe put some cartoons on for Chloe and smiled. She stood from where she was sitting and walked into the kitchen where warren was.

Chloe knew it was tense with them but she wanted to make it work with him. Chloe had no idea over how he had been sleeping with esme behind her back

"is everything okay?" Chloe asked as warren smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her

"It's perfect, you don't need to worry, it is all okay and it will still be okay, I promise" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I know we haven't got the nest relationship but when I got pregnant you said that you loved me, you said that you wanted to do it for her and be a family so we did, this is a lifetime commitment warren and even if we fight a lot I know I love you and her and o wouldn't change anything" Chloe said as warren looked to her and smiled

"it's okay, I know. I know that you haven't got a lot of faith in me, but em and you, we are forever" warren said as he leant in and kissed her, warren knew even if he was sleeping with Esmè he wouldn't stop but he knew that Chloe would be his future, he was going to propose to her but he was going to keep sleeping with Esmè.

He knew how he wanted both sisters for different reason, he knew if Chloe knew over him and Esmè that he would never see teddy again and he wasn't going to loose his daughter because of a fling.

He knew he couldn't let Chloe take her away and he had to do whatever he had to in order to keep Chloe sweet

Chloe walked through the village with teddy and smiled as she saw sami. He looked to her and smiled "can we talk?" He asked as she sighed

"Sami, it shouldn't of happened. It was a kiss and I know we have history but I can't ruin the family I have here. And I can't have an affair with you, I did it to you and I don't want to hurt warren" chloe said as Sami smiled

"I know, know that you think your doing the right thing but tell me, did you tell me because you loved warren or because you fell pregnant, I know I wasn't the best boyfriend to you but I know I did love you and you loved me so is it because of teddy you ended things" Sami asked as Chloe sighed

"I don't know, I loved two people at once sami and I did the right thing for her and I'm sorry" Chloe said as she walked off. Sami looked after her and sighed.

He loved her and he knew he wanted her back, he didn't care how complicated it was. He warned her back and he was going to try and find a way to win her back.

He knew it wasn't going to be easy but sami knew that deep down that Chloe still loved him and he would prove it

Chloe walked through the village that day, she saw Esmè ands,I led as she walked over to her sister and smiled "you okay kiddo?" Chloe asked as Esmè nodded "there was just this guy but it's nothing"

"what's he done?"

"He has a girlfriend and a child, he's been telling me he wants me and now I learnt that he only wants me for sex and he's going to propose to the girlfriend I feel like a idiot" Esmè said as Chloe smiled and hugged her

"your not, I promise ens now with it" Chloe said but how long would it be before Chloe discovered the real truth?

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