vi. Fair Play

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 six fair play

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six fair play

"I WOULDN'T RELY on Sleeping Draught, Luce," said Fleur a little uneasily, after Lucy had presented the previous event and ideas that had stemmed from it to her.

The two blondes were currently sitting in their carriage dormitory, so many books scattered over the beds you could barely even see the sheets, anymore. Lucy had told her best friend everything from the night out in the woods, and since then they had taken up their spare time researching dragons and ways to fight them - Lucy practicing many spells as she did so.

"Yeah, I know," Lucy nodded. "I think we're only allowed a wand... I think I could pull off the Stunning Spell, though... as long as I back it up with an Extinguishing Spell..."

"Hm," Fleur replied, deep in thought, as the two continued with their research.

They had been doing this often, since the reveal of the dragons, for Lucy wanted to be as much prepared as possible for the first task - and Fleur wanted to help her friend with everything she could, knowing fully well if she had been picked Lucy would happily sacrifice her free time in figuring out a way for her to get past a dragon. Not to mention, Lucy was her best friend, of course - and what are friends for?

In fact, if there was the option for Fleur to walk into the arena with Lucy to help her girl out, she'd have done so without hesitation.

Lucy only wished the task had been something else, because she'd had no idea until now how complicated dragons actually were - there were way too many breeds, for starters. Each breed had various different defence mechanisms, which made the job of learning how to protect herself from one even harder. For example - Common Welsh Green's prefer to prey mainly on sheep and other small mammals, and avoid human contact altogether, which was handy to know. But then again, Lucy had no idea which Dragon she'd be facing, and there's the likes of the Hungarian Horntail, who enjoys having humans as a food of choice whenever possible.

It was astonishing, the fact that they weren't even supposed to know they were facing dragons. Did the wizards organising the tournament want them all dead, or what?

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