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    This is a common struggle in teenagers, people not being able to fit in because people bully them because of how they look.
     Body shaming is discrimination of appearance , whether fat , too skinny, too tall, too short or having too many flaws.
First of all I want you to know the you are beautiful  and you should never let anyone's opinions about you define how far you can go in life.

× If you are fat and they say you can't be a model or be in a pageant then prove them wrong.
× If they say your too short to do anything just ignore them and keep chasing your dreams.


Humans are insatiable, they will never be satisfied about how you look,  if your skinny and you try to add a little bit they'll still complain, be you and only you....walk with your shoulders high because you are a king or queen so rule your empire.
To all those people losing weight and gaining weight just to get a guy....please stop you are killing yourself ... stop thinking you are not good enough,  kings and queens dont worry, stop trying to fit into someone else's should never be based on forcing yourself just for someone to accept you.
I'm happy we have queens like lIZZO, spreading self love and body acceptance in the world.
    Remember accept you size and color, dont change to please someone. All sizes are beautiful and all skin colors too.

 All sizes are beautiful and all skin colors too

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1) To be happy in life you must first accept who you are.
× I want you to stare at a mirror and say im beautiful 20times and hug yourself afterwards.
× If you are trying to fit into a perfect role to please your boyfriend or girlfriend, please walk away because it's not worth it..if a guy or girl only cares about appearance alone then don't be certain that they won't cheat on you because they'll never be satisfied with your looks even if you get fat or skinny.... please dont be someone's puppet.

' Don't sacrifice your happiness and mental health for the perfect body, because the perfect body doesn't exist'
                                    -Victoria igbor.

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