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   To be honest this hurts more than anything in the world

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   To be honest this hurts more than anything in the world. Losing your support system like your parents, relatives , siblings and close friend can be tough but i want you to be strong , there's still no way to grieve without pain.
Don't try to end your life or settle for unhappiness just try and work through your pain and it might take time but i promise you it will be better.

      How to be strong over losing someone

1- Accept the loss and face it properly: - after losing someone people tend to look for things to ease their pain, some take drugs, alcohol, get bad grades and even start cutting themselves,  please don'tdo this, hurting yourself wont make a difference . You cant heal until you accept that the person is gone , so hurting yourself or abusing yourself or hurting other people will only make things worse.

2- let it out:- cry , scream , break things or what ever just let ever pain in you out. There's no shame in crying,  go to somewhere private and cry and let all that hurt out, trust me you are healing.

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3- trash friends that are not compassionate or friends that don't care about your loss and just come around to talk about themselves alone

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3- trash friends that are not compassionate or friends that don't care about your loss and just come around to talk about themselves alone. They are not worth it.

4-tell less people. At this stage you need less attention and less fake friends coming around with fake energy, you need to get through this on your own. Tell few people you trust , people who will stay by your side through out that period and talk it out.

 Tell few people you trust , people who will stay by your side through out that period and talk it out

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5- Be strong you are not the only one in this.you can read stories online how people got over losing someone and channel that energy and use is to stand tall.

6-save items of them and remember good memories.

7- pray for their souls to find rest and pray for strength to get over the pain.

8- say no to regret, its not worth it.

9- Dont focus on sadness or negativity or even questions like "why me" or "why them" because you are only hurting yourself and your mental health.

10- focus on your goals and make the people you lost proud even if they are gone, keep achieving your dreams.

   Remember you wont heal immediately but with time you will, be strong. And also if you are someone who bullies people and dont care about grief or people's feelings just stop, you are just creating more problems for yourself,  be there for your friends and dont say hurtful things to someone going through this.

 And also if you are someone who bullies people and dont care about grief or people's feelings just stop, you are just creating more problems for yourself,  be there for your friends and dont say hurtful things to someone going through this

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And also dont use someone's passing as a way to get pity and free stuff, honour and respect the dead.  You truly wont forget them but see it as a journey that has been completed in their life.

To all those that have lost someone special , i send love to you all , please be strong because i care and the world still needs good people like you.

To all those that have lost someone special , i send love to you all , please be strong because i care and the world still needs good people like you

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